Chapter 7

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©CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

Hey Everyone,

I know… shock… new chapter and a month isn’t up yet. I hope you enjoy, please remember to comment vote… and thanks goes to Kittyhawk555 my editor.

Have fun

Chapter 7

Kael woke slowly the next day, he heard the deep breathing of another but he was definitely in his room which was strange, he normally ended up in bed with Alanna and Tarval. The bed moved and a long rough tongue scraped across his cheek.

“Hey!” He complained as he rolled onto his back to see who had licked him. He came face to face with a spotted cat. Taking a deep breath he relaxed, “Zen?” he asked as he knew Raya and Sara were lions and they didn’t have markings like this.

Zen chuffed and rubbed her face against him. Kael sat up slowly and started to explore the Were, he traced the patterns made in her coat and could understand why her kind were known as clouded leopards. She licked at one of his arms before she yawned, showing off her teeth.

“Wow… you have big teeth.” He commented before he started to scratch her coat, as he had read that cats loved to be scratched. Zen chuffed a little louder and rolled onto her back. Getting confident he knelt and started to gently scratch her belly.

Zen wanted to play but she knew she had to be gentle with the boy. Soon she had Kael laughing and trying to squirm away as Zen licked at a ticklish spot. Luca walked in and blinked in surprise, Susan who was right behind him smiled and shifted behind her son. Luca felt the hot breath on the back of his head the moment before Susan licked the back of his neck. Luca squealed and ran into the room.

“Luca stop!” Destiny ordered; she had raced to him the moment she heard his squeal. Luca came to stop and glanced to Destiny, “never… and I do mean never… run from a Were of any kind. The only reason Susan didn’t attack is because you are her son.”

“That’s Susan?” Luca said as he turned to Susan.

Destiny nodded.

“She’s huge!” Luca stated. Kael and Zen had stopped playing, Zen hopped down from the bed and walked over to Susan and rubbed her body against Susan’s legs before walking out.

“She is actually smaller than Amy.” Destiny explained.

“Aunt Amy is bigger?” Luca questioned and got nods from both Destiny and Susan.

“Go on, touch her, scratch her, she’ll love it,” Destiny prompted and to make herself less threatening Susan lay down in front of the boys. Kael got off his bed and both he and Luca went to the big cat. Luca reached out and gently touched one of Susan’s distinctive eye teeth.

“My what big teeth you have?” Luca said.

Destiny chuckled and sat to watch the boys as they explored the big cat. Touching, patting and scratching Susan until her purring was so loud it almost sounded like distant rolling thunder.

“Susan is what everyone calls a reverse sabre tooth tiger; all the other Sabres in the family are white with black and grey stripes while she is black with white and grey stripes.” Destiny explained.

“Why?” Luca asked as he scratched under Susan’s chin.

Destiny shrugged, “No one knows and they don’t really mind.”

Susan moved, pinning Luca with a paw before she started to groom his neck and face. Luca tried to squirm away but Susan was having none of that. Ezra walked in rubbing his eyes and yawning, he blinked for a moment as he stared at Susan.

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