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*Author's Note* so this entire story bouta be from one person's pov and maybe an omniscient pov but other than that that's it, so you won't really know what the others are thinking unless it's omniscient, well there barely is anyone else but... you'll just know everything about the main character. This all about her anyway. Anyways😊...


I'm 16 year old Milan, who's been through so much. I guess you guys would be confused about my entire life, cause it's so much.

My mom died 3 years ago in a plane crash, someone threw a bomb on the plane when she was heading to Anguilla.

Y'all are probably wondering why the heck was she going to Anguilla, but she was a surgeon. She traveled the world to help people.

So instead of them coming to her, she went to them. She just thought it was best to go to them.

Because you don't know what people go through, and they probably can't even afford to come to her, so she did that.

People would call her from all over the world to come help them and she would go. My dad was always here with me, so there was no trouble.

My dad would go to work when he drops me off at school, then come get me and we stay home and spend time together until mom comes.

But yeah enough about my mom, like I mean she's gone. I'll never see her again. My dad now, oh my dad.

My dad died 2 years after my mom, because of gang violence. After my mom passed, he took it the hardest.

He started using drugs to help himself, and then he met this guy and they became the best of friends and dad started following him.

They started an entire drug company on the low, my dad would sometimes bring home some to go on the street when am asleep and sell.

Then 2 years after my mom died, a night when I was asleep. I heard ruckus downstairs in our home. I didn't even bother to get up though.

My dad wouldn't want me to. He always told me as long as I live with him never go find out where any noise is coming from.

Probably cause of what he was doing. But he told me I could do that when I lived on my own or away from him.

The next morning when I woke up I didn't see my dad. I couldn't go to school, because he wasn't there to take me like he always would.

Later that day, my only two aunts, my only uncle and my grandma on my dad's side was outside for me.

I unlocked the door and they gave me the worst news in my life. My dad was shot 8 times and they blew up his body in the woods.

He was the only person I had, after my mom passed. That was some devastating news. I no longer had parents.

To make all this worst, up to this day I haven't seen any of their bodies since they passed. Not even at the funerals or funeral home.

I mean they could be alive cause i don't know if they really did die. Cause I've never seen them since they were alive.

My dad's only 3 siblings and his mom stayed with me for a little, until my mom's side took over.

So it was me, my only aunty and cousin. My mom only had one sibling, and both her parents died awhile after she did.

Her dad had cancer, and her mom took it hard and had a heart attack. So I only had one grandparent which was my dad's mom.

They buried them all together in one big spot. It was my mom, grandma, grandpa and dad. Right now I'm over it all.

So it's just me, my aunt and cousin living together in my parents' house well mine. I really do miss them though.

I find myself in their room crying sometimes or going through their old stuff. I have my mom's most prized possession now.

Her lucky necklace with her name on it. I also have my dad's most prized possession. His tiny treasure chest.

I have the key around my neck along with my mom's necklace but I promised him that I would only open it if I needed to.

If I needed to meaning if I ever run out of money, which will never happen. My parents were filthy rich.

I have access to all their accounts. They wrote down the passwords and gave me credit cards for each.

My dad has about 3 accounts and my mom has 2 with over 6 million on each. I'm the only person with access to those 5 accounts though.

I also have some money here stashed in my room, my parents did it before they left. Everyday they would put in at least 1,000.

Right now I have about 3 million or more in the stash which I use all the time. I don't need to but I do. I got mad clothes shoes and stuff.

One day amma move out of this house and into one of my own. I don't want to, but that's what they always told me to do. 

I don't even have to work when I get out of school. But I believe I will. Like don't get me wrong, I'm not lazy.

Anyway enough about me being rich, with deceased parents and my miserable life and let's get into the story.

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