So Long To Yesterday

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So Long To Yesterday

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely

© All Rights Reserved - 2010


“Come on Katia!” Ty called to her from the front door. “We are going to be late to dinner and prom if you don't hurry up!” Ty's voice becoming increasingly more agitated.

“Keep your garter belt on! I'm coming, Jesus! You can't rush perfection.” Katia giggled as she slipped her healed shoe on and made her way down the hall way where everyone was waiting for her in the living room. As she looked from the threshold into living room she smiled at the faces of the people she grew up around.

Tiana Rollings, or Ty was she preferred to be called, had always been her friend since before either of them were born. Their mothers had been in the same birthing classes and friends from years before that. Many thought they were sisters from their common looks they shared. Both had straight dark brown hair, and fairly thin, but other than that they were completely different. Ty's eyes were bright green and had a way of ensnaring any guy that looked at her. Katia, on the other hand had powder blue eyes that guys often conveyed as the girl next door look.

“Come on, picture time!” Ty called out as the parents all positioned themselves with their cameras ready to begin snapping at any given moment. Ty instantly looped her arms around her date, Micheal or as they all called him Mikey. They had been together for over year now, and the day Ty had first seen him she knew he was the one for her. And it seemed she was right, thought it took them nearly five years to really come to that conclusion together.

“Kat! Jump in, girl!” Megan Katron was the one in the group that was always perky and happy, never once had a bad thing to say about anyone even if they were blatantly rude to her. Her blonde hair and hazel eyes cause many guys to fawn over her but never truly want to have a serious relationship with her, which often hurt Megan more than she let on. Katia could count on one hand the amount of times she had actually seen Megan cry and thought it was a bit strange that she bottled her emotions up like that.

Katia moved in between the bodies positioning herself in the middle of Devon and Megan. It was known through the group hat Megan had her eyes on Devon and he had the same for her but neither were courageous enough to admit it to each other. Though Katia was happy going to prom stag, Devon had saved her the trouble when a week before he asked if they could go together simply as friend. Megan had reassured her numerous times that it was okay with her if they went together, thought Katia had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't okay at all.

“Alright kids, get together!” With that the five of them leaned into each other their arms draped over each other and all were smiles as they poised for the camera. They each moved to take single pictures or couple pictures. Katia could hardly believe in a matter of three weeks they would all be going their own ways in life and most likely they would lose contact in a matter of months. Even with their future looming over them like the sword of Damocles, Katia was hell bent on making the best of their last days together.

“I want one of the three of us.” Katia called over the loud voices of the room, but Ty's head instantly turned to her and smile as she snagged Megan by the arm and lead the way out the front door into the garden area. “Come on, Mom.”

Katia was in the middle with Megan on her left and Ty on her right, with their arms linked around each others waists Katia's mother began firing off picture after picture as the girls moved into different poses each time. Finally they settle doing a “Charlies Angels pose where Megan happily crouched down holding her hands out in the shape of a gun and Katia held her hand gun up to her mouth as if she was blowing smoke away.

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