So Long To Yesterday (Chapter 27)

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  • Dedicated to Megan-Kyle Wagler

So Long To Yesterday

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely

© All Rights Reserved – 2011


Katia woke up the next morning to loud blaring sound of her alarm clock blasting country music.

“Oh holy shit!” She cursed as she flopped out of bed desperately trying to get to the clock as quickly as possible. Finally she got the horrible little machine to shut up and she rested her head back against the side of bed.

Last nights events came back to her plus the raging hang over began to set in as Katia slowly moved her body up right. Looking over her rumpled bed, Blake was no longer in bed. But where did he go? Looking around his clothes were still on the floor, and the bathroom door was wide open. Just then the sound of clanging pans came from the kitchen.

Peeking around the corner of the kitchen, Blake stood at the stove humming along with the quietly playing country music as he cracked eggs into a cast iron skillet. His naked back was appetizing as he moved about.

Trying to creep into the kitchen with out him noticing her, Katia tip toed, but soon found that one floor board that was dead set that she wouldn't complete her task as she hoped.

“Good morning Kitty Kat.” Blake smirked over his shoulder. “Hungry?”

Katia sighed letting her shoulder sag, “Yeah.” Walking to his side, Katia looked at the stove to see sausage links already sitting out, gravy, and fresh biscuits waiting for her to eat. “God, Blake, this looks so good.”

“Yeah, well I came in here hoping to find some cereal or something to eat and all you have is that gravel you call cereal. So I thought you needed a proper breakfast.” He finished scrambling a half dozen eggs and pushed them onto a serving plate. “Dig in, babe.”

It all looked good, Katia hardly knew where to start. Picking up a plate she loaded up on biscuits covered in gravy, sausage links, and eggs, she knew just eating this would cause her pants to be tight, but how could you turn down this food?

Blake filled his plate and sat down across from Katia at the table. He watched her trying to eat nicely but she was failing as gravy dribbled down her chin. “Good?” He chuckled as Katia looked up at him surprised and blushing.

“Yes, very.” Katia giggled. “Thank you for cooking.”

“It's nothing, plus the carbs will help with soaking up that wine in your system.” He grinned widely as he took a large bite from a biscuit. “So let me make up for last night please, can I take you out tonight?” Blake looked at her his eyes twinkling as he awaited her answer.

“But I thought, Hailey...” Katia nearly choked on her food at the mention of going out and being publicly seen together.

“After today, I won't be too worried about it. I called Rich last night from my mom's, he's looking into having my lawyer to move up my court case. It seems that this would be considered a desperate situation, so we may be able to settle the custody hearing within a week or two.” Clasping his hands together he leaned forward on his elbows, “Plus, don't you worry about being seen with me. Nothing about you would risk my custody of Faith. Hailey already signed that deal for herself with the crap she pulled last night.”

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