So Long To Yesterday (Chapter 10)

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So Long To Yesterday

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely

© All Rights Reserved – 2011


Four Weeks Later

“Where you going, Kat?” Keelie asked as Katia walked away from the group momentarily and into the postal room where there were walls of small post office boxes locked into the walls.

Keelie's foot falls could be heard behind Katia as she quickly found her way to her box that was labeled with her room number. Slipping the key in quickly she pulled the tiny door open to reveal a couple of white envelopes. Katia quickly rifled through the junk mail then gasped when she finally saw what she had been waiting so long to see. The return address held Blake's last name and that was all Katia needed as reassurance as to what was inside the envelope.

“What is it?” Keelie asked quietly from the doorway.

“A letter from Blake.” Katia turned and smiled happily. “I've been waiting for a couple days for it. I knew it was coming up to the time he would be allowed to write to me, but I didn't know an exact day.” She clutched the the paper to her chest and sighed heavily, then turned and shut the postal slot moving to rejoin the rest of the group in the dining hall.

“You going to read it?”

“Yeah, in a few.” Katia's mind was a million miles away as she thought of all the things he'd be going through now. Even for a second she thought maybe this letter might be bad news. That sobering thought caused her to pause and stare down at the little bit of a paper. She never knew something so small and insignificant could be so frightening.

“Hey Keels, Kat.” Simon said as they finally caught back up with the group. His dusty blonde hair was handing wildly over his forehead as he shook his head slightly just to free up his line of vision. “Whatcha got there, Kat?”

“Shh!” Keelie punched him lightly in the shoulder. “Leave her alone.”

“What did I say?” Simon's brow creased slight as he glanced at Keelie and he rubbed his shoulder.

“She finally got a letter.”

“From Blake. Blake, my boyfriend.” Katia finished for her friend as she looked up from the envelope. “He is in boot camp. We haven't talked in four weeks since he arrived there.”

“Oh.” Simon said as his eyes lost a bit of sparkle for a moment. “I'm sorry.”

“It's okay.”

“You want me to go with you to your room so you read it?” Keelie whispered a few minutes later as everyone returned back to their conversations and studying.

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