Chapter Twenty-Three: The PCP

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"It's today! It's today! It's today!"

That was all the group had heard from Esme and Jasper since they had gotten to breakfast that morning. The party they had been intricately planning for the last month was tonight and they were so excited they could hardly contain it.

"We know,"Alyssa sighed, taking a long sip of her coffee. "We did help plan it after all."

"How are you not excited?"Jasper beamed.

"Trust me, we're ecstatic,"Teresa groaned, rubbing her eyes and yawning as she checked the clock. It was 6:54.

"The sarcastic meter is going through the roof today, huh?"

The table turned around to see Lis walking behind them with Jay. Ever since Family Day, Jay rarely left her side. He walked her to class, sat with her at every meal, and made sure she got back to her dorm safely. Anytime he caught sight of Chad or Audrey he'd suggest a not so short short cut so Felicity wouldn't have to face them. It was too sweet it made everyone's teeth ache.

"Hey, Lissie!"Esme waved eagerly, practically bobbing up and down in her seat.

The couple sat down between Lonnie and Alistair with their breakfast trays. "Hi."

"Someone give Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum sugar?"Audrey snarked as she passed by, making Esme and Jasper shrink back slightly.

"You really need to shove off,"Henry commented.

"Honestly, that insult wasn't even good,"Luke agreed. "If you're going to insult us, at least make it worth it."

She scoffed but didn't dignify them with a response which made the group laugh. "I'll take that as us winning!"


Some of the girls gathered in Lis and Emma's dorm to get ready together, as was their tradition before every party. But this year they had invited Mal and Evie to join in the fun that came with the crazy sisterhood.

"Did anyone bring a curler?"Gemma inquired, sifting through the hoards of beauty supplies everyone had gathered.

"I think Lucy and Alyssa are using them in the bathroom,"Bonnie pointed to the open bathroom door, not taking her eyes away from delicately applying her mascara. Gem groaned and marched into the bathroom.

Felicity sat on her bed while Evie braided her hair. "Are you excited, Evie?"

"Absolutely!"she grinned. "My first official party in Auradon!" The other girls giggled while getting themselves ready. "Mal even said she'd do a spell to make the whole forest soundproof, so no worries about getting caught."

Lis went wide-eyed. "She doesn't have to do that."

"But she will,"Evie shrugged. "It took a lot of begging to get her to agree." Felicity nodded, reminding herself to thank Mal.

"I'm turning on some music, any requests?"Erica pulled out her phone and hooked it up to Emma's speakers. They all looked at each other, not having any particular ideas. "Alright then..." She scrolled through her playlist before picking a song and setting her phone on the table.

I been cheated by you since you know when

So I made up my mind, it must come to an end

Look at me now, will I ever learn?

"I love this song!"Bonnie, Ruby, and Wilhelmina raced out of the bathroom full of excitement.

I don't know how but I suddenly lose control

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