Chapter Nine: Late Night Delights

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When they finally got to the kitchen, Lonnie opened the door to reveal the VK's gathered around a bowl full of cookie dough. If Lis wasn't panicking before, she most surely was now.

"Oh, hey guys!"Lonnie beamed at them while slightly nudging Lis at the sight of Jay. "Whatcha making?" She peered down into the bowl to see the sweet treat. Lis' mouth watered. She never had been able to deny sugary desserts when they were put right in front of her.

Mal and Evie stared at each other in what seemed like worry. "Oh you know, just cook-"

Lis and Lonnie dipped their fingers into the dough and put them into their mouths. It was some of the best cookie dough Felicity had ever had, and she imagined they'd make even more delicious cookies. "This is really good." She looked up and saw the VK's watching them like they were about to vanish. "What? I'm not going to eat all of it."

"Do you feel anything?"Evie asked cautiously.

"Yeah, like it may be... missing something?"Mal added worriedly.

Jay came over and leaned on the pillar, giving Lis a charming smile. "Hey there..."

"Hi,"Felicity blushed before shaking her head.

Lonnie on the other hand just shrugged. "It could use some chips."

"Chips?"Jay raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yeah! Chocolate chips,"she went over to the fridge and pulled out a small glass bowl full of chocolate chips. When she brought it back to the counter, she took a hand full and sprinkled it into the dough. "They're like, the most important food group." The VKs all looked at her with blank expressions. "What? Didn't your moms ever make you chocolate chip cookies?" No response. "Like when you're... sad. And they're fresh from the oven with a big ol' glass of milk and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and-" The four teens either had tears in their eyes or a far off expression on their face.

"Lonnie..."Lis tried to stop her from continuing. She knew that look like the back of her hand. They didn't have any memories like that.

The brunette chuckled nervously. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"It's just... not like that where we're from,"Mal responded, her head hanging low.

Lonnie's eyes widened. "I mean.. I know. It's just... you know I thought... even villains loved their kids." There was a heartbroken silence all around. The VKs knew deep down that Lonnie hadn't meant anything by her words. She had no clue as to what their lives were like and they couldn't blame her for her blissful ignorance. "Oh,"the girl realized her assumptions weren't at all correct and her eyes watered with unshed tears. "How awful." That's when a single tear fell down her cheek.

Mal's finger was quick to wipe it off her face before flicking it away. "Yeah, well it was nice seeing you but we have to get these in the oven so..." Lonnie dried her eyes before nodding and she left quickly after saying a gentle goodnight.

"I hope you four know that she really wasn't trying to offend you,"Lis sighed softly. "She can just get carried away."

Evie gave Lis a sweet smile to ease her worry. "It's ok."


That morning, the school was buzzing with activity just like it always did that time of year. It was the first Tourney Game of the season. Auradon, even with Ben as the captain, had itself a losing streak. They hadn't won a game in what felt like years but everyone maintained high hopes that they'd regain their victory soon.

Felicity had been with the squad all day, practicing while Audrey was off doing her usual pampering routine. It would seem that the Coronation was all the princess could think about. Heck, it was all anyone was really thinking about. But this gave them ample time to work on the new performance for the game. The entire time they were outside, Felicity felt a new burst of life coming from the group. They were all enthusiastic and working extra hard without complaint. It gave them the opportunity to feel pride in what they were doing.

"Alright guys, looking good,"Lis paced the field, watching the squad do the routine for the fourth time. There had been some issues early on as everyone was a little rusty but they were quick fixes. Once they finished, she called the team together. "I'm ending practice early today, you've been working hard all. There are water and snacks in the locker rooms." The squad clapped, wiping the sweat from their brows. "We have five hours til the game so rest up, I want everyone dressed and ready to go for warm-ups a half-hour before. And remember that this routine is still a secret, got it?"

Jasper shook his head, smirking. "Yes, mom."

They all walked into the locker rooms and took their time getting changed, the excitement easily overpowering anyone's desire to sleep. Everyone was chugging down bottles of water and eating the cookies and fruit the sat in boxes on the bench. It was a time for the team to unwind and come down from the hours of extra effort they put in to learn a whole new routine.

"I can't wait to see Audrey's face when she doesn't know what she's doing,"Lucy giggled.

"It will teach her the benefits of responsibility and respecting others,"Krystian answered while munching on a chocolate chip cookie. "Maybe she'll even learn to accept criticism."

Henry quirked an eyebrow. "I think that might be asking too much."

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