Chapter Five: The Trials and Tribulations of Tourney

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Unfortunately, math was one of three classes that she didn't have with any of her main group. But she was silently hoping to find Mal, Evie, Jay, or Carlos there. Walking down the hallway, she saw a familiar face. "Lis! Hey!"Lonnie, daughter of Mulan, hugged her tight. They had been friends, although not as close as she was with Emma or Luke, since they were kids. She had been away on a prolonged family trip to China with her parents and older brother for the past three weeks, returning today.

"Where are you heading to?"Felicity adjusted her bag and grinned.

"Chem, you?"Lonnie checked her schedule. School had begun while she was on her trip so she had just been given her paperwork earlier that morning.

Lis pouted. "Math." She saw her friend's face fall. Obviously, she was hoping to find a friend in her classes. "But I might see you later. Pull up a seat at lunch, I'm sure Rye will be happy you're back." The girl blushed. Felicity had known about Lonnie's crush on her brother since they were eight. The warning bell rang. "I've got to go. Bye Lon!" Lis ran down the hall, careful not to drop her food.


She got to class just in time, thankfully. "Take your seat, Miss Fitzherbert,"she cringed at her last name. Sitting down, she took out her notebook. Math was one of her least favorite classes, but she still paid attention since she had nothing better to do. She was too busy copying the board that she hadn't noticed that her teacher had made an announcement. "Miss Fitzherbert, I have a list of books that I need from the library. Please go down and get them for me."

Confused, she got up and left with the list in hand. She got to the library and handed the slip of paper to the librarian on duty. While waiting for the books, Fairy Godmother's daughter, Jane, scurried in nervously. "Are you ok Jane?"

The shy girl shuffled her feet. "I have to go see my mom, but..."

Felicity glanced over at the library's main room and saw Fairy Godmother in the middle of her Remedial Goodness class with the VK's. It wasn't shocking that a relatively timid, jumpy girl like Jane would be intimidated. "Would you like me to come with you?"

"Really?"she squeaked. "I-I mean you d-don't- yes please."

She followed Jane into the room closely. "Hello dear ones,"Fairy Godmother welcomed them warmly. Lis looked at Jay, who was watching her, and bit her lip thoughtfully. The blonde then smiled at Carlos who returned it and waved at the girls, only receiving a small wave from Evie.

"You need to sign off on the early dismissal for the coronation,"Jane whimpered, her voice just above a whisper.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane,"Fairy Godmother's eyes never left the clipboard.

Lis sighed softly. "Jane that's Evie, Mal, Carlos, and Jay. They're not going to hurt you." Jane sent her a thankful look before taking the clipboard and scurrying off. Fairy Godmother glanced over at her, wondering what she was still doing there. "Mrs. Rolland requested books for class and I have to wait. Would you mind if I sat in for the rest of class?"

"I don't see why not. Take a seat,"the blonde went over to the window sill and sat down. Jay smirked at her and Felicity winked, the two flirting with their eyes. He liked the way her face went red when he teased her. She looked even more beautiful that way in his opinion. "Alright, let's continue." The headmistress faced the board. "You find a vial of poison! Do you A) Put it in the King's wine? B) Paint it on an apple? Or C) Hand it over to the proper authorities?" Everybody but Mal and Lis raised their hands. Jay became more persistent and yanked Carlos's hand down while raising his own higher. "Jay."

"C. You turn it over to the proper authorities,"he answered proudly earning a giggle from the blonde he was attempting to impress.

"I was going to say that,"Carlos objected, frustrated.

Jay pouted mockingly. "Oh, but I said it first." A noogie quickly escalated to Jay having the smaller boy in a headlock on top of the desk.

"Boys!"Fairy Godmother got their attention. "I think that energy would much better be used on the Tourney field."


Coach Jenkins blew the whistle that signaled the beginning of practice. Felicity walked out in her uniform when Jay came up to her. He gave her a once over. Her hair was still very long even when tied up in a messy ponytail. She wore a loose yellow t-shirt with a pleated royal blue skirt and white tennis shoes. "I didn't know you were a cheerleader." With her 'don't care' personality and her leather pants, she didn't seem the type.

"You didn't ask and I don't really see why it's important,"she replied. "But you might wanna get over with the team. I've seen a coach get mad and it's not fun."

He gave her the same charming grin he'd been giving her since he arrived. "See you later then." Jay hustled over to the team, sparring a short glance back at her, with the plan to try again after practice. The son of Jafar was a resilient boy that would probably never stop trying.

"Jay, Ben! Offense! Chad, you're defense!"Coach Jenkins ordered, looking over the clipboard in his hand. He was one of the best coaches for high school Tourney in Auradon, but the team had been in a bit of a slump the last year or two. "Taylor, you're the shooter!" The man looked at Carlos irritably. "You! Lost boy! Get out of the kill zone!"

Carlos gave him a confused look before putting his helmet on. They got into formation and coach blew the whistle once more, then they were off. Instantly, Jay dominated the field. His brute strength and naturally quick reflexes were his greatest assets. "Go, Jay!"Lis cheered loudly with the other girls. If they didn't win the game against the Falcons with Jay on their team, then it was hopeless.

Nobody could deny his skills, not even her. Not that she would mention it, but if she wasn't attracted to him before she most definitely was now. He did flips and tumbles through the kill zone, getting the ball and shooting it into the net. Unfortunately, this small victory for the VK involved tackling or shoving aside all his teammates. The nurse's office was going to get plenty of Tourney players.

But maybe that was exactly what the team needed. A fresh face with the fire and confidence to win. Jay brought new energy to the game and would definitely keep competitors, teammates, and coaches on their toes.

Audrey gave the team, who was cheering just as energetically as Felicity, her signature "death glare". People were beginning to like the VK's and that just wouldn't do. At least not for her. "Stop it!"

"Why?"Henry shrugged, knowing full well why she was so upset. Audrey was absolutely the worst at hiding her emotions. If she didn't like you, you most definitely knew it. "You have to admit, he's one of the best players on the team."

Krystian nodded, laughing with some of the other cheerleaders. "He's gonna have all the ladies after him."

"But it looks like he only has one lady in mind,"Esme wiggled her eyebrows, her gaze directed at him.

All their eyes turned to Jay who wasn't paying any attention to the coach and was instead staring at a certain blonde who was talking with Jasper and Teresa. His gaze was that of a lovesick puppy. "That boy is absolutely smitten."

Lucy, Will, and Esme squealed in delight. "They will be the cutest couple in Auradon."

"What would their ship name be?"Alyssa asked, smiling. She'd known Felicity since they were children. Lis worked her butt off to earn what she's been given. She wasn't like Audrey who had everything handed to her on a silver platter. So she more than deserved a chance at true love.

"Fay? Felicitay? Jacity?"everyone scowled at the terrible names.

"How about Jalicity?"Penny murmured.

Suddenly, the girls hugged her. "That's perfect! You're a genius, Penelope!"

"Thank you?"the shy girl stuttered, not used to being complimented.

"Jalicity," Erica mused dreamily. "They're gonna get married." Everyone's gaze snapped to her and she shrugged. "Leave me be."

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