Chapter Six: The Art of Flirtation

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After practice, Felicity was getting ready to leave. She had another class to get to and no time for games. But that didn't stop Jay from sneaking up behind her with all intents on scaring her. "Boo!"

On the contrary to what he thought her reaction would be, she just turned around and put her hands on her hips. "You're going to have to work harder than that to spook me. Need something?"

"Just a date,"he flirted, propping his leg up on the bench. He gave her that charming smirk that he knew would make her weak in the knees. Or at least that's what he thought.

"Why would I go on a date with you?"she teased, throwing her uniform into her bag.

"The real question should be, why wouldn't you?"his confidence was making her blush much too easily for her liking.

Lis sighed. "Maybe because I'm the first Auradonian girl you've met. You should maybe take a look at your options."

"But you're one of the few so far that act normal with me,"Jay said sincerely.

"Not many people understand what it's like the be an outsider, an underdog,"Felicity explained softly. She had to give the boy some credit, he was being a real sweetheart. "I'll always have sympathy for an underdog."

Jay raised an eyebrow. "And I'm an underdog?"

"One of the most outspoken, confident underdogs I know,"Felicity picked up her bag.

He chuckled. "That still doesn't explain why you won't go on a date with me."

"I'll think about it,"she sighed and walked back to her friends, leaving a very satisfied boy in her wake.


Immediately after she left Jay, she was confronted by almost the entire cheer squad who had yet to leave the field. They, as of about fifteen minutes ago, were officially emotionally invested in Felicity's love life. She had a small militia of matchmakers at the ready. What could go wrong?

"How's Jay?"Esme asked, linking arms with the blonde. If it wasn't the sly tone in her voice that gave away her intentions then it was most definitely the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She wore her emotions on her face as clear as day and this time it was something devious.

"Fine..."Lis narrowed her gaze suspiciously, doing the same with the others. "What are you guys up to?"

Henry chuckled, barely being able to keep a smile off his face. "Why would you think we're up to something?"

"Because I'm currently looking at a group of teenagers that either looks like small children caught with their hands in the cookie jar or like they just pranked Fairy Godmother," Felicity glared at him. "And even for the son of Happy, you're never this cheerful unless you're doing something bad."

Lucy took her other arm, beating Jasper by seconds. "We've just been noticing your infatuation with a certain thief."

"Why on earth would you think that?"Felicity gasped, furrowing her brow in annoyance.

"Oh don't try to deny it,"Erica shook her head. "He's an attractive guy: charming, athletic, a little rough around the edges. Not to mention handsome."

"You might as well date him if you like him that much,"Lis pointed out, feeling her phone buzz in her pocket. She took it out and flipped it open.

See you around, princess. -Jay

The blonde snapped her gaze to her companions who were grinning sheepishly. "How did he get my number?"

"We may or may not have snuck it into his bag while you were talking,"Henry answered, hiding his reddening face in his hands.

Felicity groaned. "Guys, if I wanted you to help me get a date I would have asked." She checked the time. "I have to get to art." Putting her phone away, she sighed and waved quickly before going back to campus.


Sitting in art, Felicity focused all of her energy into her latest painting. She didn't like having to take a class in a skill she had perfected with the help of her mother, but it was an easy A and gave her time to think. It was like her therapy session without a doctor in front of her interrogating her and listening to her life. In art, the blank canvas and a palette of paint were all she needed to ease her mind.

Lis was more emotionally conflicted than usual and it was practically eating her alive. She had no idea what to do about Jay. He was a very handsome guy and was obviously attracted to her- she was not blind or oblivious to him staring at her in the least-but she somehow felt no amount of paint would help her.

Sure he seemed sweet and Felicity would not lie and say she hadn't let her eyes wander over to him during practice. But if the flocks of girls that seemed to swoon by his mere presence and pine after him said anything, it was that he was a ladies man. Every smirk and chuckle and flirtatious remark backed that fact without question. He lived for the attention, craved it even. What would a boy like Jay, a good looking VK that could get any girl he wanted, want with her? These were times she wished her mom was here. She always knew exactly what to do and say to make her feel better.

What would mom say? Felicity thought to herself, cleaning the gold paint off her brush. She'd probably tell me to go for it. If I like him as much as I seem to, why not see where it could go.

Suddenly, the door opened and the most unexpected person arrived. Mal. She looked absolutely miserable as she gave the teacher her pass before setting down her things a the table next to Felicity's, not glancing up for a minute. If anything, she looked out of place amongst the preppy kids who ignored her upon entry.

"Hey, Mal,"Lis went over to her, not liking the glares the girl was getting from the class. "I didn't know you had an art class."

"Tell that to Ben,"she grumbled, opening her sketchbook and trying to block out her surroundings. "I told him that I couldn't be less interested in art class but-"

"He decided to do it anyway?"Felicity rolled her eyes, giggling to herself. "Ben likes to do that. You can tell him no a hundred times and he'll still at least try. He's as stubborn as they come, but I like to think he always does it with the best intentions. How do you think I ended up here?"

Mal raised an eyebrow. "But I thought Rapunzel was good at art?"

"Oh, she is, my mom has a beautiful talent that she helped to culture within me,"the blonde sat down, leaning against the table on her elbows. "But that doesn't mean I wanted to take an art class. I'd much rather have another free period or a different class at least. What about you?"

This triggered a steady flow of conversation that neither girl had expected. Surprisingly, Mal was very easy to talk to and vise versa. They spoke about their artwork and their friends, it was almost like Lis was talking with her brother or Lonnie or Emma. Of course, Mal still held up her walls, not delving too deep into her childhood or her life on the Isle. But Felicity expected that from the beginning and wasn't going to pressure her into talking about things that seemed difficult enough for her to even mention. While they talked, they continued to work on their projects. There was no tension or anxiety floating about, just relaxation and peace.

As Mal drew, Lis secretly looked over and was amazed. She was a far better artist than Felicity expected. It was almost a perfect depiction of Fairy Godmother's wand.

"I could show some of my better paintings later if you like?"Lis suggested, packing up her stuff as the bell was about to ring. "I need opinions that aren't those of my family."

Mal hesitated. "I don't know."

"Hey,"she smiled comfortingly. "It's no big deal if you don't give me an answer right now." The bell finally rang, ending the class. "Find me later if you change your mind!"

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