Chapter Eleven: A Day To Last Forever

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By the time Felicity had gotten to the field, fans of the opposing team were already filing into the stands. A few Auradon students were in the stands but, since the school was right next to the field, nobody was in a huge rush to get to the Tourney field.

She rushed into the locker room and set her things down on the bench so she could get changed before everyone got there. Lis slipped on her tight short-sleeved top and royal blue spandex shorts, pulling the matching skirt to hide the shorts underneath. Skillfully, she smoothed out her long hair into a neat ponytail tied with the mandatory yellow bow.

Looking in the mirror, she felt as pretty as she always did in her uniform. She felt like she fit in with the rest of the crowd. But any anxiety she might have felt was overwhelmed by thoughts of Jay. Jay Jay Jay Jay. His handsome face, his charming demeanor, his adorable smile, his loyalty to his friends, and his willingness to learn. How had she not been so in love with him before? Everything about him was perfect, especially to her.

Just then she heard the door open and the team started coming in to get themselves ready. They didn't seem to notice her right away as they took their uniforms out of their bags and started to undress.

"Felicity?"Penelope came over, eyes slightly worried. "A-are you ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"Felicity looked over at her confused.

The freshman girl rested the back of her chilly hand on Lis' forehead. "Your face is all red and warm."

"It's cause she's thinking about Jay,"Alyssa smiled sweetly, giving her friend a wink.

Penelope started to blush herself, but hers was in embarrassment. "O-Oh."

Lucy gasped teasingly, cupping her hands over Penelope's eyes. "Felicity Olivia! Your impure thoughts are corrupting the children!"

"With that attitude, you'll give Claude Frollo a run for his money!"Esme quipped, glancing down to tie her sneakers.

"G-Get o-o-off!"Penelope moved away from Lucy, pouting while her face got even redder. "I-I'm n-not a c-child!" She crossed her arms and tried her best to glare at the girls who were giggling.

"Just let her mother you,"Teresa commented, coming to join them fully dressed. "If you don't, she'll start mothering us."

Someone knocked on the door, causing all the girls to jump to attention. "Who is it?"

"Are you all decent?"they heard Krystian shout from the other side.

They all looked around at each other to ensure that they were all clothed before Bonnie ran over to open the door for the boys. "What's up?"

"She-devil spotted coming this way,"Jasper replied from the back of the crowd of boys. "Thought we should get a move on."

The girls all nodded in agreement and left the locker room to follow the boys to the field. And the boys, true to their word, had been right about Audrey's arrival. But she was caught up in a rather flirtatious conversation with Chad so they didn't mind her.

"Alright, group huddle,"the solid majority of the squad gathered in a large circle. "So I've heard that you all are demanding a speech, but you know that I'm not good at being put on the spot..." Cue the laughter. "So here we go... I'd like to start off by saying that I'm really proud of you guys. We've worked so hard the last few weeks, coming to practices, even ones scheduled last minute, as much as you could. That kind of dedication is worthy of recognition." They all clapped, some even whooping in pride. "But next, I want to say that we're going to show these people what we're made of. We're more than pom-poms and hairbows, we're a team." The squad smiled brightly at each other. "Everybody bring it in!" They all put their hands in the middle. "Knights on three! Knights on three! ONE! TWO! THREE!"

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