Chapter Fifteen: Basic Chivalry

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The following two days after their first date, Lis and Jay had been attached at the hip. Everyone who saw them chuckled and smiled knowingly. It was the honeymoon phase and what a sweet, lovely phase it was. Hands super-glued together, walking each other to class, eating their meals side by side. And all their friends noticed their attachment and had mixed reactions:

Riley was proving to be a force to be reckoned with, glaring at Jay any time the VK was within centimeters of Felicity. His overprotective brother mode was heading into overdrive. But Lis had Luke, Alistair, and Krystian to thank for keeping Riley occupied.

Gemma, Lonnie, Emmalyn, and the cheer squad were happy that Felicity had finally mustered up the courage to make her blossoming feelings known. Erica had seen Lis and Jay talking by Lis' locker and had nearly squealed as she skipped away, plans already racing through her mind of what their wedding would be like. She had called them getting together after all, though marriage wasn't in the near future.

Mal seemed more depressed than usual which made it look like she was indifferent. Evie, on the other hand, was giddier than ever. Then there was Carlos who was right next to Evie cheering his best friend and Felicity on.

"I think we should have a movie night tonight,"Esme brought up out of nowhere. Everyone was just eating their lunch in the courtyard, enjoying the odd moment of peace that the table of rowdy teens rarely saw. They all looked up at her strangely. "What? Wouldn't that be fun?"

"I suppose?"Gemma answered, raising a brow.

"We could get movies from the student lounge and play them in my dorm,"Esme continued, glancing over at Erica. "Would you mind, Eri?"

Erica shrugged. "Guess not."

"Well then, who's up for it?"she looked around the table expectantly but nobody volunteered. "Come on guys! Life isn't all about school and parties and sports. We can all just sit around, eat snacks, and watch some movies." Alistair was the first to agree, then Luke agreed which made Gemma decide to come too. "Well, that's four."

"It's my dorm and I don't have any plans 'til the PCP so I'll come,"Erica raised her hand.

Alyssa nodded. "I'll be there."

Felicity saw Esme's gaze turn to her and Jay. "Jay?" The boy looked up from his food. "Movie night tonight?"


Soon enough, Esme had roped in Evie, Carlos, Lonnie, Riley, and Krystian. With a decent amount of guests satisfying Esme, everyone was allowed to enjoy the rest of their lunch.


After lunch, it was time for Alyssa, Jay, Felicity, Ruby, and Krystian to head to Basic Chivalry. It was perhaps the easiest of all the classes offered at Auradon Prep so it was nice for them to have it after lunch.

"Today class, we will be dancing,"the class groaned as their teacher announced their task for the period. It was the start of the two-week lesson on dance, which would have been fun and all if not for the fact that it was waltzing. Most of the kids had already learned to waltz from their parents and from earlier years of school anyway so it took any possible fun out of it. "And before you get too excited, I have chosen partners." Cue more groans of annoyance. "The list is at the front of the room. Find your partner and stand beside them."

The class got up from their seats and went to the front to find their partners. Felicity had eagerly gone up hoping she and Jay were put together, partially because she didn't like the idea of another girl dancing with him and partially because she knew he had no idea how to waltz. But she found her name and saw Chad next to it.

Both blondes glared at each other as they went off to stand to the side. The very thought of Chad's hand on her waist made her skin crawl and the taste of bile spread across her tongue.

Across the room, Jay stood with Natalia's younger sister, Tamara. Tamara was the less outgoing of the sisters and much more like Jane in temperament, thus explaining why being next to Jay had her looking absolutely terrified. Jay, on the other hand, was watching Chad carefully.

"Alright students, face your partners,"their teacher turned on the music. "We will start with a greeting. Gentleman first, bow." She paced around the room, eyeing any mistakes. "Remember, one hand behind you and the other on your stomach while bending only at the waist." Felicity glanced over and saw that it was likely Jay who needed the instruction as he looked to be struggling slightly.

Chad bowed in perfect form before standing to his full height, but he wouldn't meet Lis' eyes as he held up his nose in disgust.

"Next, ladies curtsy,"all the girls followed. "Very good. Now gentlemen, rest a hand tastefully on the lady's waist and grasp the lady's other hand." They all did as told. "Excellent. Now, as it is the first day we'll start with a simple box step." She looked around at the class. "Are any pairs willing to demonstrate?" Nobody raised their hand.

"How about Chad and Felicity?"a boy suggested, snickering to himself as the pair stared him down angrily.

"Alright Mr. Charming, Ms. Fitzherbert,"the pair practically stomped into the center of the room. Their teacher quickly changed the music before directing her attention to the two students. "Begin." Felicity begrudgingly allowed Chad to lead as they waltzed around the room to the beat of the classical music playing.

If there was one thing she was thankful for at that moment, it was that Chad was a good dancer. She remembered being in the same classes when they were younger and learning basics similar to what they were doing now. He was always the prized pupil in terms of dancing and etiquette, at least when he wanted to be.

Lis was a great dancer thanks to the lessons. She had inherited her mother's grace and agility as well as her father's athletic prowess and determination. But there were many things she'd rather be doing.

"Look at how they are at a close but respectable distance,"their teacher reminded them, looking directly at a few of the more handsy pairs. "Strong posture, light on their feet, steady. Beautiful!" She directed everyone to assume their positions and follow Chad and Felicity's lead.

They were on their feet for a few more minutes before they were finally allowed to stop, even if just for a short while. As soon as the break was called, Lis immediately left Chad's side and scrambled over to Jay.

"Having fun?"Jay asked sarcastically.

"I need a shower after that,"they heard Chad scoff from across the room at her comment. "How was Tamara?"

"Shaking like a leaf,"he answered. "I still don't get why we have to learn this."

Lis shrugged. "It's Auradon."

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