Chapter Eighteen: The Video Call

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As Emma and Lis walked down towards their shared History of Woodsmen and Pirates class, they, unfortunately, ran into Fairy Godmother who looked particularly cheerful. "Good afternoon, girls!"

"Headmistress,"they greeted in unison, giving each other a look that silently asked what had the woman in such a mood.

"Are your parents coming to Family Day this Sunday?"Fairy Godmother inquired offhandedly.

Felicity nodded. "They wouldn't miss it for the world." Oh, how she hated speaking to the woman but it was necessary out of the need to be cordial.

"Same goes for mine,"Emma agreed.

"Very good,"she clapped and waltzed off in the direction of the tech room. It was where they kept loaner laptops, the school's wifi routers, and television sets in case teachers wanted to show movies.

"Wonder what she's up to,"Emmalyn watched as Fairy Godmother entered the room in question.

"Well we have to get to class,"Lis grabbed her hand and tried to drag her away. "We can't be late."

Emma shook her off. "Does it matter? We have a substitute anyway."

"Ugh, fine,"Felicity grabbed Emma's hand again and marched off to see what Emma was so suspicious about. "But this is stupid. I don't even like Fairy Godmother but I don't understand why we're stalking her."

Emmalyn shrugged. "Something fun to do."

"Whatever you say, lunatic,"Lis smirked and together the girls went to see what Fairy Godmother was up to. They hid behind a pillar as Fairy Godmother rolled a television set out of the room and down the hall in the direction of the library. "Maybe Remedial Goodness is watching a movie or something?"

"Come on!"Emma and Felicity ran down the hall to the library.

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them. "Hey guys!" The duo spun their heads around to see Jasper approaching.

"Hey,"Emma waved.

Jasper looked around to see the entire hallway empty. "Umm, what are you two doing?"

"Following Fairy Godmother?"Lis answered as nonchalantly as possible.


"Cause' we're bored,"Emma said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

He shrugged and continued walking towards wherever he was going. "Ok, have fun and don't get caught!"

"Onward,"Emma hooked her arm with Lis' and the pair were off to the library. They snuck around the bookcases and desks to get a view of what was happening. But it wasn't as interesting as Emma had originally hoped. The library classroom was hosting the Remedial Goodness class and the VKs were just sitting there while Fairy Godmother set up the television.

"I told you,"Lis whispered. "It's just a movie."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Well, we've come too far to fall back now."

"Whatever you say,"Felicity responded snarkily, watching from behind a desk as the class started.

Fairy Godmother stood at the front of the class. "Children, excuse me." The VK's all looked up at her, setting aside their prior tasks. "Umm... As you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to... distance." Her comment made her chuckle nervously as she seemed to be hoping she hadn't offended them. "We've arranged for a special treat." She practically skipped over to the television and pressed a button that caused the image to appear. The image of the VK's parents.

Lis and Emma looked at each other wide-eyed, having a feeling this wouldn't be going as well as Fairy Godmother had probably intended.

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear,"Maleficent stated, her face very close to the screen while the other villains remained behind her.

"Kids,"the VK's were urged forward by Fairy Godmother who had a large, beaming smile on her face.

"Can I please see a remote!"Maleficent shouted as the Evil Queen handed her the remote. She began pressing multiple buttons, huffing in annoyance. "Is this thing on? I hate electronica-" They seemed to have found the correct button because their eyes widened.

The Evil Queen grinned-well as best she could. "Evie! It's mommy!" Her daughter brushed her hair back and waved. "Oh, how beautiful! You know what they say: the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Don't you mean the weeds?"Maleficent jeered.

Cruella made a disgusted face. "Who's the old bat?"

"This is Fairy Godmother,"Mal introduced politely.

Maleficent smirked. "Still doing tricks with eggplants."

Fairy Godmother scoffed, the comment doing just the trick to get under her skin. "I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" But all the villains did was snicker.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella til 1 am?"Maleficent teased. "I mean really? Did the little hamsters have to get back to their little wheels?" The other parents cracked up.

"They were mice!"the headmistress gasped. "They-they were mice." Before Mal could reassure her as send her off-screen, the woman put her face to the television. "They were mice!"

"Hi mom,"Mal greeted.

"Mal!"Maleficent yelled, all the attention going to her and her daughter. "I m-mi-miss you."

Jafar nodded eagerly. "You children are never far from our thoughts."

"How long must mommy wait to see you?"Maleficent asked in an uncharacteristically, overly sweet tone.

"Um... there's a big coronation happening, so maybe sometime after... that,"Mal answered somewhat reluctantly.

Maleficent's eyes went big and it was almost impossible not to see the gears moving in her head. "When?"

"Friday, 10 am,"Mal responded instantaneously.

"You sure I can't see you sooner,"Maleficent inquired in that same saccharine voice. "I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that" she started to mumble slightly "you! You little nugget that I love so much!"

Mal sighed. "Of course, mother."

"Carlos!"Cruella completely took over the screen. "Is that a dog?!" She then began talking to the stuffed dog that rested on her shoulder. "Oh yes Baby, it would make the perfect size for earmuffs."

"He's the perfect size for a pet!"Carlos hugged Dude protectively. "This dog loves me and I love him, and FYI your dog is stuffed so give it a rest!" This caused Cruella to whimper disappointedly in an ironically dog-like manner.

Jafar laughed. "Ooooh burn!"

The two parents began to argue and it went on until Jay turned the screen off. All the kids looked equally saddened and worried about the events to come as well as their parents' words.

Fairy Godmother had her head hung low but her eyes held so much sympathy. "I'm... I'm so sorry."

"Thanks for the special treat,"Jay reassured her, knowing she had good intentions.

"Of course,"she nodded softly. The VK's turned around and grabbed their things before leaving the library.

It was at that point that Felicity and Emma chose to stand up. They felt awful for what had happened, Emma possibly more so than Lis. Not every kid on the Isle was lucky enough like her to have a villain parent who loved them as they should.

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