6. Miracles

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UPDATE: As of 10/11/12 (haha! I love that date ^^)

Chapter 6 - Miracles


            Josh's hand felt warm in mine. I took that to mean two distinct things. The first (and most troublesome) was that I was already imagining myself as his girlfriend. That was way over my head. It was ridiculous for me to think we had something; even if we did, there was no sense in my excitement over the matter. It was just too early for that.

            The second thing, which was possibly more important, was that I liked this way too much. How could I justify these feelings that had come about so swiftly…These feelings that literally had appeared from thin air? We'd only known each other for a week. And we'd only met in person yesterday. Something was wrong with me if I thought we had something together.

            Not allowing my mind to dwell on the subject, I squeezed Josh's hand ever the more tightly and walked with him through the movie theater's double doors. The hem of his pants gently brushed my bare calf as we walked, sending a soft shiver through me. "Did you enjoy the movie?" He asked, noticing my grip on his hand.

            "I did," I said, giggling. "Especially the part in the cave. It was so cute!" The Hunger Games was a movie I'd already seen, so I'd convinced Josh pretty easily to take me. Though he’d never seen the movie, he seemed thrilled at the prospect (the word thrilled being highly sarcastic, of course).

            His exact words were, "You know what? Watching kids kill other kids isn't really my thing."

            Even though I thought it strange that he didn't jump at the whole violence thing (seeing as he was a guy), I sincerely thought he'd enjoyed the drama. With a carefree smile, he now led me to his car, opening the door for me gentlemanly; it was almost like a sick romance movie. I loved every second of it. We approached Josh’s blue Pontiac quickly, and I found myself wondering how he’d come across such a unique car. It wasn’t overly flashy; it had an appeal like unto a sports car, for either girls or boys. It was cute.

            Once inside the car, Josh began to suggest some places to eat. I wasn't really paying much attention, too enthralled in the realization that I was in this cute guy's car at the moment. I made myself busy by examining every possible inch of his car without seeming too suspicious. Sections of the seats were a deep blue like the exterior of the car, as well as the gear shift and steering wheel cover. His floorboards were dirty; obviously whatever trash which had been thrown around was now removed. I suppressed the urge to plan a snoop into the glove box later on; that wouldn’t be a good way to make a first date. But I couldn’t help being morbidly curious as to what kinds of things my new friend was into.

            When Josh was silent and looking at me, I became suddenly nervous. "I'm sorry; what?" My tone sounded a bit sarcastic, as if I'd actually been paying attention to his question.

            Josh laughed a booming laugh. "Okay. So we're definitely not eating at Benshire's." He grinned and started the car. "Sorry I asked."

            "No, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying much attention. But you're right about that. No Benshire's. Unless... unless you really wanna go there," I breathed, running a hand through my hair.

            "Trust me, I spend way too much time there," Josh said.

            "Tell me about it. I work there, remember?" I continued my scope of the car, wondering why I’d overlooked the details on the ride to the theater. I guessed I’d been too preoccupied with simply meeting Josh than to spy on him at that moment. It was hard to tell what I was thinking at the time.

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