Chapter 16

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(Y/n's POV)

After having caught up with Obsidian and Aella, we continued, still in the same order.

Me and Obsidian at the front with Aella on my shoulder, the rest of my team behind me and Master Makarov leading the Fairytail team behind them.

They were quiet. But not due to awkwardness but another feeling. And that created an invisible cloud of tension suffocating in a way or another each of us.

Well suit them.

I don't know why Ryu had them to tag along but he and I both know that they won't be fighting at all today.

Then what's the use?

If he wanted some evidence or witnesses, he could've told me, I'd have sorted it out but no.

My flow of thoughts was shortly cut as I felt the energy of the land change.

We are slowly nearing towards our destination. I don't know if the others felt it or not, but the dragon slayers surely did.

They might not know what it is and misunderstand it for the increasing tension between us.

But if they overthink it, that will take a whole new turn, pertaining to a headaches.

(Gajeel's POV)

I had my head tilted down as I replayed whatever had happened just now in my head. 

We are on an unknown mission with unknown mages who don't even bother to show their faces.

They are said to be powerful though we don't know a thing about them, I bet they can't beat me and fire breath together even if they tried. That guy sure got some fire in his belly.

They don't have a smell. Well the others have faint ones but the leader has literally no scent. She must have hidden it. I wonder how her smell is like.

Talking about smell, there's a person in their team having a weird ass smell. I was grossed out at first but now that I think about it, it must have been because he modified his smell.

The leader has an exceed. A powerful exceed with combat skills. Judging how Makarov calls them, the exceed must be an elite fighter too.

That fact just leads to one thing: Their leader is a freaking dragon slayer. And that's no joke.

I listed so many things, now I'm depressed.

I give up, they're like living riddles which even the geniuses themselves can't solve. How do I know it??

I'm a pure genuis, and I'm unable to figure them out.

And I bet they know our whole history.

I'm done.

A change in my surroundings interrupted my mental breakdown.

On instinct, I looked at the team which was leading the way.

I sighed and looked at my feet again.

Guys, I think I'm hallucinating.

I quietly thought referring to the grass on which we were walking. They weren't exactly green. They had a strange turquoise tint to them.

I lifted my head again, this time paying more attention to my environment. This is getting more bizarre by each passing second.

All the trees, including their trunk, leaves and branches had a turquoise tinge to them, similar to the shade on the grass which seemed to be darkening with each step we took towards our destination.

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