Chapter 10

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(Erza's POV)

" How is this possible!? None of our attacks even scratched it !!!! "

We were exhausted , not even fully healed from our last encounter when it arrived. That dragon. It was black  with bluish turquoise line twirling and intertwining in themselves, forming a mysterious design on his body.

His magic energy is mad. Never have I met a being like him. He may seem like a dragon but I'm sure that there's something more to him. As Wendy said, he does understand us but considers us as something I quite don't get but that's the least of our worries.

That thing is going to attack us and we won't be able to defend ourselves.... Even the dragon slayers are powerless.

(No one's POV)

Would that be the end of fairytail? Would there be deads??

Even it is the case and Tenrou island is on the brink of destruction, Fairytail is still fighting and that is what made it stand out:

They never did , never do and will never lose hope , even in the worse situations , they will keep fighting till the end.

But now , they were in a really bad position , being helpless before an undefeated enemy.

Visible air gusts could be seen going in the nostrils of the dragon as he inhaled. He was preparing an attack that won't be stopped by anything.

The air was still in spite of the imminent attack, increasing panic and the rapid heartbeat. Nothing could prevent the attack from reaching them. They were going to get killed and that was a fact so the only option left was to wait for its next move.

No sound except from the one of an enormous energy release or blast could be heard. He had attacked. No smoke, no ash, no dust, nothing, not even the culprit.

There was nothing left. Neither Tenrou island nor the mages there. They had all disappeared. Acgnologia was nowhere to be seen, as expected. It's not like every culprit would wait for the police and come get him.

What would happen of Fairytail....... Best wizards and master gone, the guild was left devastated by the news but they wouldn't leave their fellow guildmates there, drowning. Some of them probably survived and were just waiting to be saved.

After a few weeks, even that ray of hope faded. Days and nights of research led to nothing. Neither was Fairytail found nor were the members.

That was completely unexpected. A surprise, a heart- wrecking surprise. If they were playing a joke then that one sucked, completely. But again, one can never expect the unexpected because what would be its use then?

They had to move on. Fairytail couldn't end like that, life had to continue even though it would never be the same without them. A new master was elected and they moved on though trying their best not to let that small candle of hope go out.

They may be alive out there, we are sure of that.

But we still miss them.

Meanwhile with y/n

(Y/n's POV)

It's sometimes weird how time flies by. I'm already 15 now. Three years ago, I never even thought I'd be able to stay alive so long. I finished my training at the wolf realm and I am proud to now be a wolf slayer and member of King Lupin's pack. Luna and Remus didn't finish theirs do they stayed back while I get to be on vacation.

Now, that's life.

I thought that on my return on the Earth realm, I would be younger than my sister but I guess that destiny had other plans for me.

Did Acgnologia really had to blow up Tenrou island now?! Because of him, I'll be the same age as Lucy.

I don't know what to think of this.

I know that I'd  be much more powerful than her although my training is not over . I just wanted to seem younger than her and Grandeena ain't lending me her beauty cream.

I don't usually think of those events but now that I'm free, I think that I can return back to being a normal teenage.

When I got back to the dragon realm, I was told that I got a floating island all to myself and I was so happy but now that I see it, I think I'd still like to stay on my cozy cottage.

This island is just a piece of floating solidified mud, (A/n: just not to say land. Lol😂😂😂) literally ,thought that what islands are but this one is really..... disappointing?

There seemed to be only dried and infertile soil stretched on acres and acres of land. To make it more dramatic, a light breeze came and some soil came in my eyes.


I doubted it, Grandeena wouldn't let me have normal holidays, it had to have a twist though I didn't expect this. She wanted to see how well I'd survive.

Guess she'll be disappointed. I'll do this even better that she had expected. Fuck it. I'll totally rock this thing.

~ Five minutes later~ sponge Bob style

There are too many things. I don't know  where and how to start. There goes all those years of training in vain.






I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled. On opening them, felt better. I felt as if all panic, all stress and all of my fears had just evaporated in thin air. I don't normally do that but that kinda is the price to pay when I let my mind too far : I can't concentrate after and start to panic. I can just hope that with time I'll master it.

Alright. Let's get to work.

Warning : There'll be a long note. The author has just lost her mind.

Firstly I wanna shout out to someone thought I won't put his username. It's to my friend , the one who was helping me with the story writing .

She recently left school and the country cause she was moving out so I got one thing to tell you:

Don't you dare forget me bitch, I'll kill you in your sleep and haunt your soul.

I love you man

Secondly, I have several options for the story

Oc x reader.

Male / Female Oc x gray/ natsu reader x Acgnologia/Obsidian/Natsu/Gray/ or anyone else.

Anyways tell me in the comments and also which ships you guys would like to see.

By the way , how old are you guys?

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