Chapter 11

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(Y/n's POV)

I was walking down a dark path in the demon realm, heading for a mission. I actually thought that demons and devils are always classified as bad but now that changed. Turns out that there are bad demons and devils too.

I am to eliminate the shadow clan but I have other plans, as always. When you send me on a mission never expect it to be done in your way. I have a working manner. Either you get used to that or I don't work for you even if at the end of the day, you'd still be the one paying me.

I was bullied when I was younger and I have no intention in letting that repeat now neither by enemies nor by acquaintances, in fact that's what molded me to what and how I am today.

I am the one not to mess with now and not the weakling of before. I can't wait to kick the ass of Laxus or even Cana : we've got some history isn't it. Natsu and Lucy are special, being the main ones in the game.

Just thinking about that fuels me up. I feel myself smirking as I lower my head. Biting my lips, I look back up not having stopped walking all this while.

I had to fight and eliminate the clan of shadow demons. And this place wasn't the most inviting of all but I couldn't be more bothered, I was used to it. It seemed as though I was roaming around in the deadly vampire world.

Big black ebony trees were shining in the calming white light of the moon, their thick branches creepily tangling in one another just like bushes of thorn before the moon which gave a watched on feeling, like if the lifeless moon was actually an eye, watching each and every being living on this land, his long ago claimed territory.

Beneath the trees, the land or soil was unusual too. Black with small bumps at each 2 cm. Just above, floating all over was a white gas, giving off a dry ice impression. It was as if this place in itself was alive, breathing and taking in all of this visitor of their knowing that she might soon die and her remaining blood would at the end be sucked up by them feeding what really harbours in the depth of this unknown place.

Sorry bitch that ain't happening, I'm here to claim the land. That was what I had and have in mind. The more we gain in allies, the more of a threat this kingdom will be.

My steps were firm. I kept moving on, the objective clear in my mind. I started hearing voices and this wasn't hallucination or anything, this was a maneuver of theirs to scare the hell out of anyone and feed off their fear. That wouldn't quite work against someone who actually feeds off it like me, pros of being a choas dragon slayer, got that from Obsidian.

If two years ago, someone told me that instead of Obsidian, I would be fighting against more scary and creepier creatures than Polybytes, I'd be really questioning my existence. (A/n: Like I am now)

The further I went the more strange the sounds became but I stayed unaffected. The voices lowered to finally die down and change into whistles. I continued to observe my surroundings, still oblivious to the changing  sounds in the background. The whistles becames sharper almost ear-splitting and changed into cries, mourns but I stayed the same.

This was a play for me.

It was then that I saw them, the shadow demons. I wasn't going to attack first although I didn't let down my guard. I knew much about shadow demons. They like to start off with a conversation so as to infiltrate their prey's mind, devour their darkest thoughts and secrets, become more powerful after weakening the enemy and proceed to eat.

That surely doesn't applying for someone with the same food interest as you bro.

Bad luck.

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