Part 2

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Mark stood beside the window, peeking around the curtain to observe the neighborhood. It was the middle of the day and most of his neighbors had tried to evacuate or go to underground shelters. Mark and Sean had agreed that staying put was safer. Large crowds tended to do more harm than good. They had been right. Right before the power grid sent the state into a blackout, they had heard that shelters and borders had been overrun by these 'Zombies.' Staring out the window, he observed one casually walking down the street. He didn't know what anyone else called them, but he called this one a 'Spitter.' It was thin and lanky looking with a rounded belly and a long snake like neck. He had seen it vomit on people and infect them. Though how people were infected seemed to vary. Some people became Spitters, while others infected became something else. The virus attached to different things in different people. The only thing he knew for sure after observing them, was that they were smarter than the video games and movies he'd seen or played.

These zombies hunted like predators. Day or Night, they hunted tirelessly. They were attracted to noise and movement. Even the slightest thing would draw them to investigate. Sean quietly crept up next to him, whispering softly. "Is it still here?" Mark nodded, never looking away from it. Sean cursed softly, muttering under his breath. "Great... Should we even risk it today?" Mark exhaled, whispering back. "We have too. We need food. I didn't exactly stock up for something like this." Sean glanced around the dark room. They had closed all the curtains and had managed to stash anything that might make noise. Even Chica's toys had been ripped open to remove the squeakers. Mark finally looked away from the window to ask curiously. "Where's Chica?" Sean pointed down the hall, answering discreetly. "Your office." Mark nodded with a relieved smile. It was the only soundproof room in the house. Peeking back out behind the curtain, he told Sean hopefully. "We'll go out the back. If we're careful. We can slip into the neighbor's house."

Sean touched his shoulder to acknowledge his words, asking softly. "Weapons?" Mark tore himself away from the window to creep through the house. He didn't know how good the zombies hearing was, but they weren't willing to test it here. He had gotten a few things from the garage, when the neighborhood had been massing to evacuate. Since they had planned to stay, he had gathered everything they might be able to use. Moving to the box in the living room, he removed school backpacks that he had used once or twice. He picked up a metal bat that he had used for his Author skit and handled it to Sean. Sean accepted it and picked up an empty backpack to sling over his shoulder. Mark stuffed a few nerf arrows into his small messenger bag with his nerf bow. Then slipped on his backpack, before lifting 'Becky,' his tactical shovel, off the floor. People had questioned why he had bought her at the time. He didn't expect her to be used like this... but he was glad he had bought her. She was his ultimate survival tool and weapon. He'd never leave the house without her.

Climbing to his feet, he nodded to Sean that he was ready. Sean reached out to grab the strap over his chest, tugging on the messenger bag. Mark shrugged in response, listening to Sean ask in a stern whisper. "What the fuck? Why the damn nerf bow?" Mark smirked tapping Sean's cheek, answering in a smug whisper. "It's called a distraction tool. And we may need it to make a quick getaway. Don't judge me." Sean rolled his eyes. Mark adjusted his clothes, approaching the sliding glass door while discreetly telling Sean. "We'll go to the neighbor on the right. He used to camp a lot. He might have some things we can use." Sean moved closer and Mark double checked the backyard, before opening the door slowly and carefully. Slipping out the door, Mark led the way to the wooden fence. Sean followed at a slight distance scanning the yard for anything unusual. Mark slipped the end of his shovel between the boards and listened closely for any trace of sound. It was so eerily quiet. Holding his breath, he slowly began to saw the support board.

The process was slow, but he didn't want to make any more noise than he had too. Loosening the boards, he swung them aside and slipped through. He made sure that the neighbor's yard was clear, before reaching his hand back through to gesture Sean to follow. Holding the boards for him, Sean made his way through. Mark pointed to the bikes he could see against the house and Sean nodded. They might try to take those at some point. Mark was unsettled by the backdoor being open. Sean pointed to the fence gate with his bat. The gate was open. Mark waited by the open door, staying alert as Sean crept over to the gate. Sean peeked outside the fence as little as he could, then very slowly pulled the gate shut to latch it. It was better not to have it open. They didn't want something sneaking up behind them. When Sean returned to him, Mark took a deep breath and ventured inside the house. The door practically opened to the kitchen. So, Mark pointed toward the cabinets. Sean didn't question it.

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