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"One, two

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"One, two. One two," 

A tap on my left foot. A full spin to the right, catch myself on my left foot, then one step back.

"One, two. One, two, three!"

One step forward. One step back, two steps forward, jump!

Landing cleanly on my feet, I curved my feet into a curtsy, and bowed low in the ending of the dance sequence.

Then, I straightened myself.

Dance Instructor Adriel had a bright smile on her face, proud and motherly.

"That was wonderful, Milady!" she smiled like she'd never seen a better day, "you were beautiful-- like a fairy in a rose garden. Your mother would be pleased."

I didn't smile. At the mention of my mother, I scowled and pulled my face tight, letting no emotion show.

"I am honoured by your praise, Teacher," I addressed her, "I thank you for your patient guidance thus far. It has been an immense pleasure."


Soaking in a tub after a day of exercise was truly the best.

If not for the fact that there were maids washing me. I was perfectly capable of taking a bath on my own! But etiquette was etiquette, I guess...

"You seem to be lost in thought, Milady." Silvia was there again, her sleeves rolled up and her cheeks pulled wide into her aged smile, "would it be anything this old lady can lend an ear to?"

Scooping a rose petal out of the water, I breathed out like a sigh.

Silvia ran a soothing trail of water through my hair, and I leaned into the edge of the tub, trying to enjoy myself.

"Luis... hasn't been visiting," I told her after a moment of thought.

Silvia chortled, "I'm sure he will make time again for you soon," she assured, and I flushed at the implication, "or, you could pay the prince a visit."

With a huff I turned away, "it's not like I want to see him! He could stay away longer and I wouldn't care!" my voice was a tad squeakier than I wanted it to sound, "just... he's actually trying to study so he can attend the academy earlier... and I, I want to help him. I mean! It's for my education, after all! I don't want to fall too far behind Mica too, and..."

Silvia's smile was a solid, amused simper, and I felt my face heat up further at her look.

"Enough!" I declared, turning away in embarrassment, "I want to sleep. Fetch me a towel!"

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