Chapter 19 - FINALE!!

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*ok I have no access to last episode so this is strictly based off of memory.*
Sylvie's POV:

Lightning and I walked back from elimination. I was so proud I was in the final two. There's just one teeny tiny problem left. Lightning. "Why'd you pick me? Zoey would be a much better opponent or Cameron, I'm just a girl who has been lucky from being eliminated." I say to him without making any eye contact. "Because, lightning wants to have a little challenge like Zoey, but easy to beat like Cameron. You're just in the middle of them, and you tripped me causing to have Cameron win instead of me. if the people who've been eliminated come as well, with Scott there you'll be too easy." He says.

"Wow. I didn't think you were all that smart, but now that you've told me the reasons why it changes completely.." I say to him. He looked shocked on his face, "I am smart, I just choose to hide it." He says to me. "And whys that?" I ask him. "Because I don't see myself being a lawyer or teacher in my future. I hope to be a NFL player. Or maybe even a coach." He says. "Oh.." Was all I could say.

"I have a chance of winning tomorrow you know, I'm not as athletically talented as you or smart as Cameron, but that doesn't mean I can win." I say. He walks over to a log and picks it up over his head with ease. "Yeah as if. Lightning has it in the bag!" He said to himself. I gulped for I knew I would be done for tomorrow. "I hope you like grapes, because I'm going to turn you into grape juice Kayley. Just wait. Like. A. Grape." He said showing his fist just inches away from my face.

The next morning I woke up extremely early. I took a shower and put on a bright pink sleeveless shirt with bright blue jeans. I was doing anything to keep my mind off of Lightning. I sat quietly in the cabin strumming my guitar. I heard Lightning yell, "I'll smash Kayley like a grape!" As soon as he said that, my guitar string broke and I panicked. "Remember, like a grape!" He yelled outside. Am I nervous about the challenge? No. Am I nervous I'm going to die? Yes.

I heard trumpets outside and pushed the door open. Me and lightning ran to the interns and stood there. Chris came in with a funny costume. "All hail Mclean!" He yelled. "How" I say. He sent a glare at me. "Slave, bring me my mystic seeing glass!" He yelled making a short and chubby intern haul in a flat screen tv. " a reward to making it to the final two, you each get 30 seconds with a loved one back home. Starting with Sylvie." Chris said as the screen cut to static. I saw my uncle.

"Uncle Clark! I missed you so much!" I say. "Aww! Kayley sweetie it's good to see you to! Congrats on getting into the finals, you won't believe how many people have been calling me about you! Epically your parents." He said as I paled. My once abusive parents.. "A-and who else?" I ask. " know..many record labels. You know that stuff." He said happily. "Oh look, your 30 seconds is just about up, I'm proud and I'll see you soon I love you!" He says before the screen cut to static once again.

I was so entirely happy! A record label wants me! But then parents want to see me..

"What? Afraid to your parents Sylvie? Or should I say Kayley?" Lightning said shoving me out of the way.

He started crying because he saw his father say he'd bet his rings. "No! He can't be serious?" He panicked. "I believe he's serious." I muttered. Lightning then tried to jump on me and rip my hair out of my scalp, but Chris saved me. Finally Chris is useful!

"Save it for the challenge Lightning!" He said. Lightning got up and glared at me. We followed Chris to the "chriseum" and saw all the other rejected campers. I looked for scott to see him in a large metal box. "Oh my god! Scott!" I say running to him. He couldn't really reply, but I knew he was happy to see me to. I hugged him for a second and looked up to Chris. "Why the fuck did you put that God damn shark in with him! You knew that he might've died, or at least be in severe pain!" I glare at him. "Who cares? It's Scott." He replied shrugging his shoulders.

"I do!" I say about to beat the shit out of Chris until Chef stopped me. "That's it, I'm never accepting bipolar on this show ever again!" He cried looking panicked. "Anyways, you've already found our peanut gallery containing Staci,B,Dawn,Sam,Brick,Jo,Mike,Zoey,Anne Maria, and many more!" Chris said as they all waved at us. I was the only one who actually waved back.

"Anyways, you each have fifteen minutes to build weapons and armor and prepare for a dramatic battle of the sexes! There," he began pointing to a pile of some really useful stuff, only to be dumped by a even bigger pile of trash. "Is where you can get things." He ended and told us to start.

I ran to the pile and saw a bunch of things. A shovel, a rope, a motorcycle helmet, some old knee pads and elbow pads, and a package of cinnamon? Why do I need cinnamon for? I quickly cleaned them up and put them on and found my taser in my pocket. "Chris? Can I use anything in my pockets?" I ask him. "Sure why not?" He said while filing his nails.

I picked up the cinnamon and put it in my pocket along with my taser and knew I had a somewhat chance of winning. It felt awkward knowing all my friends and enemies are watching my every move. "Man I better win this.." I said to myself. "Times up!" I heard Chris yell. I heard Mike and Zoey's cheering voices yelling for me. I smiled until I saw lightning, buff, covered in metal, and angry.

The rest of the fight was a complete mess. As soon as Chris blew the horn, Lightning lunged at me. Chris also set free the mutants, a Venus flytrap I've never seen before, and asshole, the beaver. I saw the contestants having a hard time with all the laser squirrels and more. I had defended Anne Maria, Staci and many more. Heck, I even drew the flytrap away! I felt being picked up at the waist. I looked down to see the fury hands himself throw me at the seats my team was sitting on. It hit my head, I coughed for a quick second and I could taste metal and blood in my mouth. I felt like I might be drunk, but sane. I picked up my helmet that fell off and my other stuff and ran to lightning who was looking for me.

"Oh where's Sylvie at?" He hollered. I jumped on his back and slightly shocked him with my taser. "AHHHH!" He yelped and threw me off. I yelped hitting the hard dirt floor. He climbed on top me and made me feel...very in a...uhhhh...awkward way..

Suddenly my instincts of me kicked in. "Ah are you trying to rape me you bastard? I asked hitting lightning with what I thought was my taser, but was the cinnamon. Oh no..

He then started sneezing, and coughing. It hit me. Lightning's allergic to..cinnamon! (AN: I don't know if he truly is, just in this book he is.) "oohhh and Sylvie uses Lightning's severe allergy to end his game, someone may have a chance of winning after all!" Chris yelled. Lightning was hit by lightning. How ironic, but how? I ignored it and put my foot on his head.



"And Sylvie wins total drama-" was all I heard before I felt a smack in the head and everything turned black.

*two hours later*
I woke up to bright fluorescent lights in my eyes. "Guys she's up!" I heard a voice say. "Mike?" I guessed sitting up and felt a pain in my head. "Oww!" I yelped sitting up. "Be careful Sylvie!" I heard who I think was Dawn say.

"What happened?" I asked. I typically had no idea what happened today.
They. Explained all the way to where lightning was hit by lightning. "And you won!!" Cameron said happily. Just then Scott came in with his metal box that I was told would be there for a few months at least. "Scott!" I yelled happily liked a kid with candy. I hugged him as he wheeled over here with his blinking lights. "Wait? I won?" I asked Zoey. She nodded and squealed hugging me.

I had actually won, I beat many other players and won. I didn't care if I won because my friends, but hey I now have some medical bills to pay and its pretty useful.

Sitting here with Mike, Zoey, Scott, Cameron, Dawn, and Sam, and a few others. I couldn't be any happier at the moment.
And it's over! I'm so glad I FINALLY finished this book. I will have TDAS soon and I'm not finished writing books, I have a few to come out in the future. Ok maybe more like seven which is more than a few. Thanks to all my readers ❤️ and I love writing books for you.

I took an ACT EXPLORE interest inventory to see what my career will most likely be like after highschool, I got singer, author, or physiologist. So yeah another thing I wanted to tell you. Ily!

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