Chapter 18

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Hey guys! This is my last original challenge, thanks to the media I have put in you can probably tell what it might be about. I do not own any videos I've put in this story. This one belongs to the living tombstone on YouTube. Enjoy!

Sylvie's POV:


I'm actually in the final four! Can you believe it? I really came here just to get noticed by any record labels, hint hint, but now that Lightning is going to attempt murder on me, I need to win today's challenge.

I walked outside still in my pajamas. I saw many interns hauling heavy metal boxes. Probably part of today's challenge. It felt weird not having Scott here with me. I miss him so much! Yet, it's only been one day. I guess I am a little to clingy.

I put on a pink shirt that says, "weird is a side effect of awesome" and jeggings. I slipped on some flats and walked outside with the other three.

"Welcome final four! You four have proved your reasons for staying in the competition. Some of us are high rating jewels," Chris said pointing to me. "Others have just been lucky. Or have extreme talent." He said pointing to the other three. "But, that isn't good enough. Thanks to our sponsors and the confessional, we have came up with the most awesome semi-finale ever!" Chris said. "And what is your sponsor? I had no idea this show had any." Cameron asked.

"Oh, let me explain. Today's youth is all about being scared. Horror games are so in right now and our sponsors happen to own a huge one right now. You may know it as...Five Nights At Freddy's?" Chris said. I gulped. Horror games? I'm screwed. I heard this game is so scary it gives people seizures. "You mean that creepy pizza place with the killer animal robots?" Lightning asked. Chris nodded. "And our ratings jewel just so happens to hate horror games!" Chris said looking at me. I looked down at the ground in embarrassment. "You see here, there are four huge boxes. Each of you will act like the character who is the security guard. Last to die or lose power secures a spot in the final. This is also a double elimination! And no cam you won't really die. Just lose is all." Chris said to us all and answered Cameron's question. "Once you have lost, you can watch the others get scared with me! Oh, just watch Sylvie. It's going to be funny. I can already imagine it.." He said with an evil grin. Damn, fuck you Chris. "Now," Chris said showing us the box. "This box is the 'security room' these animatronics aren't real, they're virtual." Chris said as a bunny came up and he put his hand through it. "So it can't really hurt you. The rest you know, now go!" He said shoving Lightning in the first box, zoey in the second, and me in the third. The door closed right behind me and I pounded on it. "No! Please let me out!" I yelled. I had no idea how to play..

No one's POV:

The four competitors sat in their seats. Some, more scared than others. They all realized they were lucky Sam wasn't here, or they would be toast. The phone rang. No one bothered to answer it, but it still gave directions on not to waste power and how to stay protected. Zoey, thought she had full confidence and relaxed. Cameron and Sylvie, well, what can I say? They're scared to even start. Lightning said if any of them came after him, he'd tear them apart. (He forgot they're virtual)

5:00 a.m. First night:

Cameron watched out for the animatronics, but it wasn't difficult since the first night was usually easy. But he was so close to running out of power. "I guess it's ok to open the door, nothing's out there right?" He whispered to himself. He looked at the button and pressed it. Nothing there. But he did hear music. "Get to six am please!" He yelled hearing the music. "I'll be lucky if I don't get nightmares from this.." He thought to himself.

Lightning some how survived, even though he ignored all the rules to the game. He looked at the tablet to see the duck in the kitchen. "Go away you duck!" He whispered. He had 45% of power left somehow..

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