chapter 16

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sylvie's POV:

I woke up to the sounds of shuffling. I quickly slipped on an old blue sweater of mine and jeans. I probably should have brought more clothes. I walked out with everyone staring at the sky. In the sky, I could see a blimp. Everyone seemed perfectly amazed by it. Except Scott and me. 

"Ha. Look at you wussies, it's just a stupid blimp." Scott said. the anchor then came down and hit his foot. "Ow!" He yelled. I did my best to comfort him. "Actually, I believe it's a zeppelin." Cameron said then continuing something about the history of zeppelins. The zeppelin landed and the ramp popped out on top of Cameron. "Actually, you're both wrong! It's the Mclean mobile command center! Where I will lie back in luxury while you five do today's challenge, an aerial obstacle course" Chris said making an entrance. 

"Aw yeah, Lightning to the skies! Sha-Bam!" Lightning said accidentally punching Scott. Looks like I accidentally gave Scott the unluckiness of getting hurt. "Uh-huh. And here to demonstrate, please welcome total drama classic competitor, Heather!" Chris said as I helped Scott up, Lightning apologized, and the queen of mean herself walked out like the diva she is. We all groaned as she was here. She's not know for people liking her you know. "Wow, you're the Heather?" Zoey asked like she was meeting her favorite musician in person. Except Heather isn't musical, she's a bitch. 

"Sorry, I have this policy, that I don't talk to losers." She says. See, what I tell you? "oh. i'm not a loser, unless everyone else thinks I am." Zoey says. Lightning and Jo roll their eyes. "Heather will now demonstrate the aerial challenge with a jet pack." Chris said while sliding a jet pack on Heather.  with a push of a button, Heather was shot to the skies. she screamed because of fire rings. The jet pack must have run out of fuel, because Heather gasped and started to crash. "Don't worry, there should be a parachute built in." Chris said as Heather made contact with the ground and made a painful groan as the parachute Chris had mentioned finally came out. 

Zoey tapped on the body covered with a parachute, "Uh..this challenge seems a little unsafe.." She said. "No, it's totally unsafe! Did I mention you'll also be attacked by fire breathing mutant mountain goats?" Chris said with that horrible smile on. "What? No, I'm out!" Zoey said. If I wasn't this close to winning the money, I probably might quit to. but i'm so close. "Ok, but before you go, you might wanna say goodbye to this!" Chris says picking up the briefcase as a few hundred dollar bills fly away. "Give or take." He says noticing the flying money. Zoey leaned in and started to adore over it. 

"Yeah, to bad you ai'nt ever gonna win it." Scott said getting pushed over by Zoey. Man, don't take it out all on him! I help him up. "If that's ok." Zoey said. If anything, I win and split it with Scott, Zoey, Mike and Cameron. I know that I wont have that much, but it's nice. I would proabably give my share away to charity or something. I saw Jo and Cameron, they must have formed an alliance. I want jo gone by tonight. 


When is Jo gonna leave? I need her gone, she's my last enemy on the show and the others have been eliminated, or befriended.  but, if I'm with these guys as friends or not-

Lightning's POV:


Scott's POV:

Gonna whoop

Zoey's POV:

everybody else's

Sylvie's POV:

asses and

Cameron's POV:

take home that

Jo's POV:

Million dollars for myself.

So we meet again? (TDROTI)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن