Chapter 1

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sylvie's pov:

I was at my uncle's very crappy apartment living room watching tv when I heard the phone ring. Oh great, who wants to talk to my uncle now?

I answered like I usually do. "'ve reached Sylvie Winters. My uncle Clark isn't available right now. What do you want?" I asked sarcastically.

"Sylvie! Great! Hi, this is Chris McLean. Good news! You got accepted! Pack your bags! Your going to the newly toxcified camp Wawankwa! Hope to see you there! Meet our intern at the local dock tomorrow morning!" He then hung up.

I gulped. Did he say toxicfied? Like, acid, chemical waste, all that crap?

I ignored the the thought as I got up off the couch to start packing. I passed by a full view mirror in my room and saw how skinny I was. I know, you should be lucky! Your so skinny! You could be model! What if your so skinny because of an eating disorder? Yeah. Thought you'd change your mind. The pajamas I was wearing didn't help much for my weight.

I stood up on my tiptoes, trying to reach a black suitcase from the top shelf. Once I got it down, I struggled to gather my clothes into the suitcase. I packed random tee shirts,jeans,shoes, and undergarments.

I then gathered my laptop,phone,journal,and lucky guitar pick.

After the rest, I put on top my medicines. You see, I have to take my pills for my bipolar disorder in the morning, pills for the eating disorder at night.

No. I'm not an addict.

I then felt like putting my knife and taser in to protect me from any super crazed fans, psychos, or perverts. Maybe a psycho tv host.

What? I'm gonna need some protection! Did you see what Sierra did to Cody last year? Yeah, I don't wanna be like Cody.

I then zip the suitcase, sitting on top of it. It did not want to zip. I hated when your suitcase did that.

"Ugh. Zip you fucking suitcase.." I mumbled.

Then it zipped. Finally! Then I heard my phone go off. Guess what? My phone is in my suitcase.


Just great.

the next day:

The next day, I woke up to nothing. Silence. I then remembered I'm not with my parents anymore. I'm in a shitty apartment, which I'm thankful I live in instead of some alley starving for food and being a crazy bitch.

I shake the thought of the abuse I got while I lived in California. I got up and quickly showered my awesome hair. I thought of plans of how I would win. I really don't need the money. I'm planning on giving it to charity once I win it. But I needed a plan. Oh! I know! Stay out of everyone's way until a challenge came, and then bring the leadership role to my team. I know it has lots of flaws, but reality check, only the best have flaws.

After I got out of the shower, I slipped on a my chemical romance shirt with some jeans. And slipped on my high tops. I the saw the pink heart necklace on my desk. I remember when my cousin, Avery gave this to me. It was a gift to remember each other after I ran away. I found out she died in a plane crash six months back. I wished she was still here to encourage me with my disorders and abusive family. I've visited her grave on her birthday. We were planning on being maids of honor at the other person's wedding.

I then put the necklace on my neck and grabbed my suitcase and walked out the door.

"Time to win this thing. Time to follow my dreams. No matter what cost." I said as I locked the door and went to find a taxi to drive me to the other side of the big apple.



I can't continue without them. (The love interest votes) so far, Scott's in the lead.

What did you think of Sylvie?

I'm dedicating this to a friend. She's talked to me so much since I wrote finding us. She also has a dott fanfic I think you'd like. It's... @red_dott!!

Thank you and goodnight!


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