Chapter 13

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sylvies pov:

From outside I could hear helicopters. I don't like that they're right outside. It makes me feel unsafe. I quickly slipped on a blue hoodie and slipped on my jeans and tied my neon yellow high tops. I just left my hair down like I normally do. I walked out of the cabin and entered the mess hall for 'breakfast', everyone but Jo and Brick were here. "Hey guys!" I said to my friends. "Hey Sylvie! I-i mean Kayley." Zoey said. I laughed and replied, "call me whatever. I hope my true identity won't make anything weird between us. I hope the three of us will stay friends forever." I smiled. Mike and Cameron nodded. "True that." They said. Their faces suddenly went from casually happy to something funny was about to happen. Before I could turn, Scott's arms threw in to a hug. "Got you!" He said laughing. Everyone seemed to laugh because of my reaction.

"Um, Sylvie can we talk for a second. Alone?" Zoey asked. I nodded and went outside with her. "So, tell me when are you going to tell him?" She asked. "Well..I would be lying if I wasn't wanting to tell him soon. I'm hoping after the challenge today..but I don't know.." I said playing with my fingers. "Don't worry! I know he likes you to, I'm no love expert, but I know he's still into you!" She said. We walked back inside right before Jo and Brick. "Let's get this disgusting thing know as breakfast over with." Jo said. "We can't! Chef's not here and neither is the food." Cameron pointed out.

"Sorry, Lightning needs meat. M-E-uh..-E.. Come on we'll make our own breakfast!" Lightning said. We went behind the kitchen and started looking in random places. "Nothing in the fridge." Mike said.

"Nothing in the cupboards either!" Zoey replied. "Maybe we should check the walk in freezer!" A voice said. I walked next to Scott as we opened the door and there was food. "Umm S-scott? There's something I wanna tell you after the challenge." I said. He nodded, "yeah me to." The door then closed and the freezer moved. I lost my balance and landed right in his arms. "Thanks." I said regaining my balance. "Anytime." He said back. Man, we do that a lot.

"Challenge time suckers!" I heard chefs voice say. Trying to keep my balance I leaned against the wall. Once we got there, the freezer tilted us out of it and we all landed in a pile. I groaned because of the pain. Isn't it weird how I get hurt so much? I saw Scott's hand reach out to me. "Here." He said. I smiled with my reply of "thanks". Chris explained what the challenge would be. We had to go to an underneath cave and search for TDA Chris statues and risk dying because of toxic waste. He is really going hard on us. I put on the heavy backpack that was pulling me back. Once we got in the elevator, it instantly went down and broke. It was really dark and I bet Brick was panicking because of fears. "Is everyone okay?" I heard zoey yell. The flashlight turned on. Everyone was here and was complaining of the fall.

I got up and walked over to Scott. My turn to help him after he's helped me so much. "Thanks" he replied. "Anytime. Let's follow the others!" I told him as we heard screeching. Screeching that did not belong to any humans. He nodded and walked with me. I could feel my heart beat faster every step we took.

"Oh wow! I always wanted a hat like this!" Mike said while picking up a fedora. "And I always wanted to die with a hat loving losers guess we both got what we wanted." Scott said sarcastically. He then gasped into a new personality. "Mike, you okay?" I asked. Anne Maria jumped in his arms hoping for it to be Vito. "Aye, names Manitoba." He replied dropping Anne Maria and flirting with Zoey.

Turns out, Manitoba is really good at this stuff. He even found mine carts so we could ride in them. I hopped in the front with Cameron and him since there was no more room for me in the back. "Aye Sheila, I didn't see you before.." Manitoba said to me. I'm just gonna call him Manny for short. "Well now you do mate." I said in my best Australian accent. "My first ride on the rails!" Cameron yelled. The cart started and we both yelled, "we don't like it!" I hugged my knees as Manny patted my back as in, "it's ok.".

"Now we got to stick together." Manny said pulling me closer. Uhh okay then.. "Easier said the done!" Cameron said pointing to the others. "What did I just say?" He replied. The other cart was on a broken rail! I started to panic as I worried for Zoey, my bestfriend and Scott, the guy I still like. And Anne Maria can die for all I care, she's annoying,and she's so mean towards Zoey. That's when I took my downfall.

I woke up to complete silence. "Am I dead?" I thought to myself. I dropped my bag because if I'm correct, Chris said we could. Wherever they're at. I looked around and I was completely alone. "Hello! Is anyone there? Scott? Zoey? Chris?!" I said. Within no replies that's where I really started to panic. That's when the thingy turned red signaling my life is about to end. Hell no! I haven't become a singer yet, or won the million, or told a Scott how much he means to me. I kept running until I saw a piece of a Chris statue lying on the ground next to creepy Ezekiel. Ok then.. I then started to not feel good. What did uncle Clark say the first signs of chemical exposure were? I followed the tracks even though I keep losing my balance and had no idea where to go. I then saw a pink gopher thing chasing me with Zeke on it. Oh shit, this isn't going to end well..

I saw the light not to far from here and I could hear voices. "W-where's Sylvie?" I heard my nasal freak ask worryingly, maybe he still likes me! "Wait!" I yelled as the skull and crossbones popped up in my arm. "She's gone now. She's probably dead pull yourselves together!" I heard Jo say. Well gee thanks. I kept running until I escaped. Right after I crawled out, a explosion happened. "Ahh!" I screamed. "Oh! There is, we thought you died." Chris said to me. "Well obviously I didn't!" I said glaring at him and clearly pissed off at the situation. I then got sprayed with a hose and coughed the water out. "You're okay!" Zoey said hugging me. I nodded "yeah I'm fine." I said happily.

I was with Cameron and Mike. Cameron and I thought it would help us all if we helped Mike with his personas. "Mike, do you have multiple personality disorder by any chance?" He asked. "What? Who told you? How?" He answered nervously. "Sixteen years in a bubble makes a guy pretty observant." Cameron said. "I knew because there was this one kid I knew who had it. Before she died six months back." I said. Yeah, Avery had multiple personality disorder to. I helped her with it.

"We'll help you Mike! Now if you excuse me, I've got another important conversation with someone.."I smirked as I went to find Scott.

I found him on the cabin porch whittling something. "H-hey Scott." I said. I'm nervous about this.what if he doesn't like me? What if he rejects me on international TV? "H-hey Sylvie! I was starting to wonder where've you been." He said as I totally surprised him. "Ok, so what did you wanna say?" He asked. I gulped, ask now Sylvie! "I umm..stilllikeyoualot." I replied fast. "Okay what? I didn't understand that." He said. "I uh-uh still like you. Like a lot. And I'm just so nervous and I-" I said. That is before he kissed me. I could feel sparks fly as I kissed back. He broke it off and replied, "I do to. That's what I wanted to tell you. I kinda..wanna..maybe..get back together?" He asked. I nodded as this time I kissed him.


Yes! Yes yes yes! You know that feeling you get on Christmas when you open up a gift and you got exactly what you wanted? That's how I feel right now! ❤️

After the we had I walked back in to see a bald Dakota and Zoey. "Soo, how did it go?" Zoey asked with a winky face. "Ok I'm confused." Dakota said. I sat on my bed and told them everything. I know it didn't change how they all feel about him, but if they were truly my friends, they will be happy for me. I know I am. That's when we all went to have dinner. If you can call it that.


Ok! About time I finished it! It felt like it took forever! XD and thanks for +400 reads!!


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