Chapter Fifteen

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Let Justice Prevail  

Moses A. Orang'o  


Written by Moses A. Orang'o 

Edited & Revised by Ilona Gracia


Chapter Fifteen 

Section 1 

"How did you come to be so highly recognized with them?" Jane asked.  

"I have my ways," Ojijo stated with a witty smile written all over his face.  

They were seated on the dais, just outside the party's headquarters office. Ojijo listened keenly to every speaker that spoke. He was amazed at how all of them seemed to drive the crowd into frenzy. While he sat there and listened, he couldn't help, but suddenly and for a brief moment, he even envisioned himself up there, in front of the crowd. Yes, he imagined that he stood up there, speaking to the crowd; they loved it, and they loved him! Yes, yes! Then the crowd began to cheer and clap, and more cheering. For several minutes, he was completely taken by all the excitement! All the potential members of the parliament present spoke specifically to his or her constituency as they knew they were being watched. They asked the people to show malice to those people who were there to tarnish their nominated presidential candidate's name. When finally it was Abdi's turn to make a speech, the crowd went haywire. It was like the fans just saw their favorite pop star artist arriving. Everyone began to scream his name, women, children and men alike. They all showed their solidarity behind Abdi.  

"My people!" These words were barely heard due to the cheers and ululations that had arisen from the crowd. Though, when the crowd realized that he was addressing them, they quickly, one by one, kept quite. "I greet you all, good afternoon," this was followed by shouts of praise. "Let us all salute in our traditional way 'Peoples Power'. This he said while he held his fist up high.  

The people replied as expected of them by saying 'Hurrah-rah-rah-rah-hurrah', holding their fists up high with tremendous force. Abdi repeated this three more times getting the same projected response. He finally continued with his speech.  

"I take this moment to thank you all," more cheers erupted, "I thank you for coming on such short notice and for showing solidarity behind me," cheers, shouts, whistles and ululations could all be heard. It was if every individual tried to say something at the same time, hence making it barely audible. In any case, who cared to hear the particular words, was it not obvious? The people were exited and were making a statement.  

"They tried to shut me down," he shouted into the crowd.  

At that point, voices from the crowd shouted back, asking questions such as who and why, whereas others shouted answers such as George Storeman in the midst of jeers.  

"I will tell you who," Abdi answered, and the crowd started to go wild and they all yelled out George Storeman, the president's name. At that point, Abdi became cautious and avoided to expound on it.  

"Yes! I hear you, and while they used all their weapons to destroy me, yet at no avail. They were defeated, not by me, but by the people. By you my fellow countrymen, who decided to refute the rumors, the propaganda, the lies, the misconception of reality, the...," shouts of voices mimicking cries of shame followed this. "Right now, I am here to ask you to forgive...," he barely finished his statement when he was shut down by the loud 'No's coming from the people. "Listen folks," he pleaded for their attention after a short while, "I know we all have tempers, and I know that we all have been wronged."  

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