Episode 1: The murder of Sandy Milo

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It was already late night. There were not a lot of people roaming around the streets. The watchman of the hotel, “Hotel Manyavar” was doing his routine check as usual.

But suddenly out of nowhere a shrill scream was heard! The watchman became terrified and he ran towards the place where the scream came from. The residents of the hotel also woke up due to it and hence came out of their respective rooms to learn what happened.

The watchman reached the place and his hair stood up, as he witnessed a horrific scene. The famous actress Sandy Milo is lying dead on the ground. The residents and the manager of the hotel arrived there and were shocked beyond their imagination.

The manager immediately contacted the cops and reported the incident.

A few minutes later, the cops arrived and started their investigation. The Senior Inspector Edward Walter with his team investigated the dead body. He found out the gruesome stab which took away her life. The residents were clueless but he interrogated the watchman who explained everything he knew.

“... And that's what I discovered upon reaching here. After which the manager called the cops”,  he finished his statement.

“Sir.” a constable said.

“We found the murder weapon! It was a knife which we found at the room where Sandy was staying.”

Edward reached out for the knife and discovered Sandy's blood on it.

He ordered him to send the murder weapon to the forensic lab carefully. Upon further investigation from the witnesses the team learns about Samantha “Sam” Jonas the best friend of the now late actress Sandy Milo.

She was spotted at her room holding a knife with blood on its sharp edges. They found CCTV footage of her visiting Sandy and later holding the bloodied knife.

“Kelly prepare an arrest warrant and secure the footages. We have a culprit to apprehend for the murder of Sandy Milo.” Edward ordered one of his team member.

They arrive at Samantha's house and arrest her for further investigation. Her brother Jonathan tries to stop them but is reprimanded and warned by Edward to not obstruct his duty. Soon news reporters and crime journalists surrounded their house and started questioning her.

Jonathan tried to bail her out but since all of the evidence were against her, he was helpless. Later, the forensics team handed a report to Edward; where they found a fingerprint on the knife and it matched with Sam's fingerprint.

With a sorrow heart, Jonathan walks down towards his home. On the way, he comes across a news outlet where he learns about a pair of private investigators.


At the same time, a young man Mr. Reyes Maximilian and his best friend Mr. Mark Thomason were figuring out some of the recent crimes across the state.

“We are doing it right. Right?” Mark asked Reyes.

“We are?” Reyes seems to doubt himself.

“You don't know yourself if we are doing it correctly?” Mark questioned him.

Reyes avoided his gaze and tried to come up with something soon.

“We are on the right track. It's just that everything is vague.” He replied.

“It's been several months and you are still hanging onto your theory.” Mark said.

Reyes turns back to his friend.


He looks back at the board where a number of numerous articles of past criminal activities are put together.

“I believe in my theory.” Reyes said.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Mark went ahead to open it and found Jonathan standing at the doorstep.

“Yes? How may I help you?” Mark asked.


Jonathan sat down on the sofa and drank a glass of water.

Reyes and Mark sat before him.

“Thanks for the glass of water.” Jonathan said.

Mark nods.

“My name is Jonathan Jonas and I am here to seek your help.” He said.

“Okay. Go ahead.”

“Yesterday, a murder happened at the Manyavar hotel and the victim was Sandy Milo....” He continues explaining to them.

“...and like that Sam was arrested by the cops.” He finished saying.

Jonathan starts crying at the thought of his sister being punished for a crime she didn't do.

“Calm down Mr. Jonathan.” Reyes calms him down, “Jonathan, if you believe that your sister is innocent then I will save her. But if she is the culprit then I will back away from this case.”

Jonathan agreed.


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