Episode 9: Case Solved

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After finally stopping Noah and solving the case of not only Sandy's death but also putting a criminal mastermind in prison. The duo, Reyes Maximilian and I started to get far wide recognition than before for helping the CIA in catching Noah and for saving the parliament members. It was all Reyes but he also made sure that I am recognised by the media too.

The suspect and our client Samantha aka Sam Jonas was free of all charges and she returned back to home reuniting with her brother. Tears rolled down from both of her eyes as she hugged him.

Miley is now safe and out of danger. She has also been ruled out as a suspect. But the fear of that memory when she almost died, haunts her. But she is progressing psychologically with the help of Dr. Bernett.

Alan is put in prison for drug peddling and also for being involved in killing Sandy. And for committing crimes with Noah. He is sentenced to life prison but further investigations about his deep involvement is still going on.

Lou is dead. Edward is kinda angry with us. But his personality is something that no one can pinpoint exactly. But in this recent few days he has been trying his best to speak neutrally to Reyes. I guess this is progress.

As for Noah, he is somewhere that no one knows about not even the Govt has any clue. But I hope he pays for all the atrocities and crimes he has committed.

This is me, Mark Thomason and our investigation against crimes will never end. The next case might end up at any moment and if it does remember Reyes Maximilian and Mark Thomason are there for you. Thank you for reading this blog.

Stay safe and may the light guide us!

I finished writing and uploaded it.

"Are you done?" A voice asked me from behind.

I turned back and said, "Yeah. We will soon get a lot of notifications as always."

"You know right, I do not like attention all the time." Reyes said.

"I know. But we have to earn some extra bit of money and besides, you have got a worldwide people whom you helped in your detective journey. They want to know what you are upto these days." I said.

"Alright. Whatever you say." He said. "By the way are you not going to get ready for your date?" Reyes asked me.

"Oh shoot! I forgot." I quickly got up and started to get ready.

"Why didn't you told me?" I yelled.

"Because you were so busy with writing our cases on the blog." He replied.

"Get ready soon. I bet she will be there within 20 minutes." Reyes said and walked away from my room.


Reyes PoV

As always too busy with blogs to forget his date. Some things will never change no matter what.

I smiled and quickly walked down to the living room. Just then the doorbell rang. I opened the door.

"Yes?" I asked. Before me was a young woman with long black hairs and pale skin. She looked worried.

"Is this the house of Mr Reyes Maximilian?" She asked.

"Uh huh."

"I am here to ask for a help." She said.

Just then Mark got down and before I could say anything he asked her, "Ma'am what trouble is it?"

"We are free right now. Let's hear what trouble it is. Shall we?" Mark said as he gestured her inside.

She goes inside and once she is out of our hearing range I asked him, "Don't you have to be somewhere?"

"That can wait Reyes. Let's first listen to what she has to. After all we are the last hope after the police are of no use." He said.

I smiled.

"Yeah. First work then life." I closed the door.

-- The End

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