Episode 8: "YOU LOST!"

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Noah's PoV

“You can call me Noah.” I said. “And you are out of coma congratulations! But I'm sorry... you lost.”

“Well uh thank you but I actually won.” He replied.

“Hahaha. What? I am sorry but I guess you lost your mind truly.” I said. “Look at the news! The Parliament is bombed. My big game has been accomplished!” I shouted.

“Yes it did but.... I defeated you in your big game.” Reyes replied back.

“No you lost. The Parliament is puff gone! And so did all the members inside. They are all gone.” I said. “In other words they are dead!”

“No. They are not dead.” He said. “Check the news again!”

I took out my phone and started going through the new clips of the incident.

{“This is Marion Whizelgi from UBN news. The firefighters managed to get inside and the flames are put out. While the condition of the building is in a poor state and half of the structure has been obliterated. There were no casualties detected outside but maybe inside.” The camera moves away to show the damages done. The firefighters then got out and the camera moves back to the reporter.

“Sir did you found any bodies?” She asked.

“This is confusing. There. There is no dead bodies!” He said. The reporter and the others interviewing him were surprised.

“There is no casualties. No one was inside the building.” He said.}

I paused the video and looked up at Reyes in surprise.

“How did you do that?” I asked him. “How? How come you rescued them in such short time?”

Reyes gave me a smirk.

“It's because I came to know about your game.”


Reyes PoV

Around 40 minutes ago before the blast,
I ran outside the hospital and contacted Mr. Parveen.

“Hello Mr. Parveen.”

“Yes. Who is this?” He asked.

“This is me Reyes Maximilian.”

“Reyes! You woke up!? But how?” Mr. Parveen asked.

“No time for the idle chat. I need you to contact your special friend and begin the emergency protocol, I told you before.”

“Okay. But are you sure that whatever you are thinking it is going to be exactly the same?” He asked.

“I know for sure. Just know we have less time. So contact them immediately.” I said.

I cut the call and immediately headed to my house. It took me 20 minutes but I made it on time. Immediately grabbing my other phone from the table I started tracing Mark.

“But I already took his phone and inspected him for any sort of electronic device and he didn't have it.” Noah asked.

“That's because the micro tracking bug was inside his watch, which by the way is a classic edition of Sliver Co.” I explained.

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