Chapter Eight

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Erza, Gray, Natsu and Lucy gazed up at the guild of Dragon Scale, its banner hovering over the entrance. Happy flew back down to them and sat on Natsu’s head.

“It’s a really big building,” Happy said and Lucy felt a nauseating prick in her stomach. Erza walked up to the doors and pushed them open. They peered inside and saw a number of the Dragon Scale wizards sound asleep on the floors and tables, drunk from yesterday’s celebration. Lucy spotted Ivy, the small pink headed girl she had run into on the day Tyra brought her here.

“It’s funny how this seems like Fairy Tail,” Lucy sighed as she smiled. Natsu stiffened beside her and she looked up on the balcony of the second floor to see Tyra looking over the side. She smirked and proceeded down the steps, stopping in front of them.

“Master Ichimaru agreed to see you,” she said as she placed her hands on her hips. “He’ll speak with you on the upper outside balcony.” She walked back up the steps, Fairy Tail following after her. They followed her down a hallway, passing Ichimaru’s office. Tyra opened a door and took a step back to allow them through. They walked out to see the balcony’s view; the green mountains and a azure colored lake decorated the horizon. Lucy saw that the other four S-Class wizards were up there too and Ryunoske winked at her. The silver-haired man, who was seated in a chair rose and turned to them. He smiled at them as Tyra closed the doors behind them.

“I welcome Fairy Tail,” Ichimaru stated as he set his tea down. Nark clicked his tongue in annoyance at this. Natsu glared at him and Nark returned the glare with a dark smile. “Tyra said you had a letter.”

“It’s right here,” Lucy said as she stepped forward and handed the letter to him. Ichimaru removed the magic seal and unfolded it. His eyes scanned over the contents and Lucy watched as his expression fell.

“Makarov sure asks difficult questions,” he said quietly as he folded the letter back up. He looked directly at Erza. “He wanted me to share the contents of the letter with you in order for me to give my response.” Ichimaru shook his head. “You can tell Makarov that I have no response.” Lucy widened her eyes.

“No response?” Erza said angrily as she tightened her hands into fists.

“What’s the reason, old man?” Natsu growled. Natsu’s comment worked up Nark who stood up from leaning against the balcony.

“Nark.” Ichimaru glanced at him and Nark leaned back, muttering under his breath. Ichimaru looked at Erza.

“I apologize, but I cannot respond to his question. I’m under oath.”

“Oath?” Gray asked as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “What oath did you have to take.”

“It matters not,” Ichimaru replied. He turned around, his back facing them. He was silent for a moment before speaking again. “You can relay this message to Makarov.” He looked over his shoulder. “The five black keys have been gathered.”

“Black keys?!” Lucy said with shock. I’ve never heard of black keys, she thought as she stared dumbfounded at Ichimaru. Natsu slammed his foot down, fire erupting from his fists.

“Don’t give us a riddle, old man!” he shouted and Ichimaru smiled at this.

“Natsu Dragneel was it?” he said. “I’ve heard some interesting things about you from a friend. I heard that you show great courage.” Natsu stopped his rant for a moment. Erza spoke up.

“Tyra mentioned you had a friend in Fairy Tail,” she said. She narrowed her eyes. “Who is it?”

“Is it illegal to have friends in separate guilds, Miss Titania?” Ichimaru asked as he sat back down, spinning the chair around so he could face them. He folded his hands in his lap and smirked at them.

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