Chapter Twenty-Two

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Tyra was shaking from head to toe; not because of anger, but because of fear. Her wide-eyes mimicked her friends in their glass cages, not to mention the shocked expressions from the guilds and masters surrounding them. Gran Doma took a step forward and looked at Ichimaru.

“They have gone too far this time, Ichimaru. It is time they returned back to Tartas.”

“You bastard,” Ichimaru hissed. “You pressured them into this! Your whole plan was this from the beginning.”

“Don’t give me so much credit, Ichimaru,” Gran Doma replied calmly as the glass domes rose into the air. “They brought this upon themselves.”

“What are you going to do with them?!” Natsu shouted as he tore his gaze away from the glass. As much as Natsu hated Dragon Scale at the moment, seeing Tyra’s terrified face was enough to put him on edge. He knew something wasn’t right seeing Tyra that frightened.

“They are being sent back to Tartas,” Org replied. “That is where they belong.”

“You’re going to execute them,” Erza said as everyone started to walk up behind Ichimaru.

“They have committed treason,” Michello spat. “They declared war on Fiore, attacked fellow guilds and have destroyed half of Crocus. That makes them enemies. Shouldn’t treasonous whelps get what they deserve?”

“Don’t you understand that they did it to protect Ichimaru?” Lucy shouted. “They wouldn’t do something this drastic without reason!”

“They are monsters,” Michello barked. “They need to be back behind bars, where monsters should be.”

“They will be transferred back to Tartas to await further instruction,” Org stated as he turned around. “The Grand Magic Games can resume as planned. Dragon Scale has been disqualified and will disband from here on out.”

“You can’t just resume the games after this!” Gray shouted. “Dragon Scale hasn’t done anything to be disqualified for!”

“They abided by your rules against them!” Levy shouted. “They wore anklets that drained their magic power! If anything that’s as if you were inviting them to lose!” Michello just smiled at Levy as he turned back around.

“Perhaps the odds were against them,” Michello scoffed. “But they are murderers, and they’ll be locked up for their crimes.” Natsu raised his head and saw Tyra’s terrified face as she and the others struggled in the glass cages. His hands tightened into fists as he heard Ichimaru begging the Council to let them go. Tyra’s terrified face was staring down with a murderous hatred at the Council, and they flickered back and forth from the Council to Ichimaru. Natsu started to walk forward but Gildarts put his hand on his shoulder, stopping him in mid-step. Natsu looked over his shoulder to see Gildarts simply shaking his head. Natsu, along with the rest of the guilds, watched as the Council ignored Ichimaru’s pleas and left the stadium.

The cages the five were in were hauled out of sight, vanishing from the stadium. Ichimaru fell to his knees, his heart-wrenching wails falling on deaf ears. Soldiers came in and removed him from the stadium and the guilds watched as it started to fill back up with the fans. The guilds were ordered into the back rooms while everything was getting set back up for the games to resume. Natsu followed the rest of Fairy Tail into the back room, silent the entire way. Natsu wanted to know what the true story was behind Tyra and the others, but now he wasn’t going to get that chance. Lucy paced the floor of the room while the rest stared hard at the ground.

“They aren’t monsters,” Levy spoke up, severing the silence. Lucy looked at her with tear-filled eyes. “They were afraid,” Levy whispered. Her eyes were clouded with sadness. “That was not the face of a murderer or a monster.”

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