Chapter Four

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Tyra stepped off the train and entered the city of Vierner. She stretched her arms and observed the station before she headed towards the guild. She was walking when a man with long orange hair in a low ponytail waltzed up to her.

“How’d it go?” he asked.

“I’m not in the mood, Nark,” Tyra said as she walked on, Nark falling in step beside her.

“Fairy Tail pissing you off?” he asked.

“You know it,” she said as she smiled up at him. “I’ve decided to leave them alone for now. There’s no point in trying to get under their skin anymore. They’re expecting that now. So, how did your mission go?”

“Piece of cake,” he said nonchalantly. He studied Tyra’s face. “Why you look so gloomy?”

“A few from Fairy Tail saw my magic,” Tyra ranted. “Now they’re saying the Magic Council should be all over it.”

“Ironically they are without anyone else knowing about it,” Nark said. He clamped down his teeth in annoyance. “Sometimes I wish we could explain what the hell we’ve been through.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Tyra said sadly. “We’ll always be seen as murderers in the Council’s eyes, no matter what Ichimaru says. Speaking of him, he’s still in the guild right?”

“Actually, I was hoping he told you where he was going to be,” Nark said as he rubbed the back of his head. “Reiji and Violet haven’t seen him either.”

“He was on the terrace last time I talked with him. I figured he wouldn’t go anywhere until I got back, knowing I went to Fairy Tail and all.”

“Well I haven’t seen him,” Nark muttered as he looked the other way.

“Even his office?”

Nark raised his head as he thought of this. “I actually haven’t. I’m not allowed near his office, remember?”

“Oh yeah, because of that one incident,” Tyra laughed as she smiled. “I guess I’ll go up there and see him.” Tyra and Nark made their way through the city streets towards the guild. Nark opened the door and Tyra ducked underneath his arm and entered in to the loud bellows of her fellow guild members. She spotted Violet and Ryunoske at the bar with Reiji leaning against the wall. She was impressed that all five of them were in the guild at the same time. Ryunoske looked over his shoulder and saw her. He turned towards her and raised an eyebrow.

“What’s this I hear about starting a fight with Fairy Tail?” he asked.

“Not starting a fight, just taking care of business,” Tyra joked and Violet laughed.

“You’re cruel, Ty-chan. They got nothing to do with us.”

“I know that,” Tyra mumbled. She switched her gaze from Violet up to the stairs of the second floor and stared at the door of the master’s office. Leaving the others to their conversations, she headed up the stairs and walked over towards the door. If anything, she needed to tell Ichimaru that Natsu and his group saw her magic. Of all people, it had to be Natsu. Informing Ichimaru of that was crucial right now.

“Master?” Tyra said as she knocked on the door. She heard shuffling on the other side of the door but no response. She knocked again. “Master Ichimaru?”

“Yes?” came the weak reply. Tyra narrowed her eyes immediately. Something wasn’t right.

“I’m back from Magnolia. I wanted to give you a report.” Tyra waited for a reply. More shuffling was heard and her body tensed up.

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