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I hang up and i turn around and they are standing behind me.
Jin-"who was that"
I dont answer him
Jungkook-"you aren't leaving"
Jhope-"who was on the phone that you were talking to"
I continue to ignore them and i walk to the kitchen and yoongi grabs my arm.
Yoongi-"dont keep ignoring us"
Jimin looks at my body and he sees that im shaking alittle
Jimin-"leave her alone until she stops being mad youre scaring her"
Tae-"no we aren't"
Jimin-"shes shaking"
I move yoongis hand off my arm and i look at the bruise, i cover it up and i fix me some noodles and rice and i stand up and i wait for my tea.
Jin-"why aren't you sitting down"
I continue to ignore them and someone rings on the door bell and i go to the door.
I pay them for my drink and they give it to me and i lock the door. Jungkook takes my drink and he looks at it.
Jungkook-"what is this"
I dont answer him and i look at my fingers and jimin takes it and he gives it back to me and i take my food and my drink to my room and i lock my door.
Namjoon comes in the house from a meeting.
Jhope-"she isn't talking to us"
Namjoon-"she learned her lesson last night"
Jin-"she started shaking"
Jimin-"she's scared"
He calls for me and i come out of my room and i go to him and i stand about six feet away from him.
Namjoon-"why are you so far away"
I dont answer him and i play with my fingers. He steps closer to me and i take a step back. Jimin looks at me and he puts his hand on my shoulder and i flinch and i start shaking. He moves his hand off of me. Namjoon-"you can go back to your room"
I run away to my room and i lock the door.
Tae-"did we go too far"

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