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Why is "prison" taken so lightly in Wattpad. Especially in this mafia books, when the main character finally gets caught and sent to prison they laugh it off. They'll say "I have men in here." Or "I run the prison." And I just like howw. I know from tv and common sense that prison is not a place for me. You could get jumped,sexually assaulted, poison, shanked, and even worse. Yet these authors make it sound like a hangout spot. Like no mam, no sir.

Or this prison story. Where the girl falls for the inmate and tries to break them out and runaway with them. Those make me laugh harder. I don't care how fine this man or woman may be but you have to have some sense. They are in prison for a reason now. And because of how they look you want to become a criminal too. Pft couldn't be me

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