Mental Health

425 22 3

Soooo I nowadays the media today have found an interest in romanticizing mental illness and mental instability. Most authors like to describe is as 'possessive' 

I pity the readers that actually start to look for that in relationships because that's not healthy at all. A man or woman that can't stop thinking about you, following you around, and kills people because they looked in your direction is just stupid. They need to be in an insane asylum. That's not cute. So cut it out and leave it on Wattpad. 

What happens in Wattpad, stays in Wattpad. 

My new catchphrase 😂

Cause I bet if someone with a personality disorder came up to and acted the same way some of these male wattpad characters do yall would call the cops so fast. 

Am I right or am I right?  

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