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I don't know why the author introduces the main characters boyfriend/ girlfriend cheating in such cringe fashions. Here's an example.

I opened the door to me and my girlfriends small apartment. Catching me off guard I heard moaning, coming from the bedroom. Following the noise my eyes widened at the sight. My girlfriend and my best friend having sex!!!!!!!!

Then they get "angry" and throw stuff at them or whatever. Then the cheating ex will say "Baby it's not what it looks like."

I'm curious who actually said the quote, cause I'm not blind. Imma trust my eyes more than you. 😂😂😂😂

Depending on how "attached" the main character was, they'll cry and run out. Or they'll roast them. By saying "that's why your loose or your di*k is little."

Something petty. In the back of my head I'm saying you weren't saying that earlier, so don't start 😂😂

There are articles that say no matter how many times a woman has sex she will not "get loose"

That's shaming and authors y'all need to stop.

Side note: if you notice that your gf/bf is spending more time with your best friend than you got a problem 🤷‍♀️

I need some original reasons to break up with someone than they cheated on me. Cause that's played out.

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