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After brushing their teeth, they ran downstairs to see Ebony's mum eating some breakfast.

"Hey Mama Winters" Max said while stealing some grapes from the fruit bowl, "hi mum".

"Good morning baby and hello Max, as much as I see you as my own son already, please for the love of everything good, never call me Mama Winters again, it's Cassandra Wallace for your information" she said with a small chuckle after messing up his hair.

"Hey Cassandra why is your last name Wallace and not Winters?" Max asked.

"Well... I was artificially inseminated but I ended up falling for Ebony's father after we met, soon after the budding and dating stage we got married, which was all very sudden mind you, both me and Ebony took his last name of Winters, a few days after Ebony was born... something happened... we got a quick divorce, I decided to keep my maiden name, nothing against Ebony's father but I wanted nothing to do with him after what he did so my name is Wallace and Ebony's is Winters" there was an obvious awkward silence but that quickly changed. Bringing him up was always a bad idea, it never ended well.

"Well I prefer Wallace too, so do you have any other family, I haven't seen any photos other than you and Ebony?" So many questions, so much awkwardness.

"We do have other family but we don't really keep in contact with them just because they live all the way in Australia and Canada, we actually don't have any other family in the UK other than each other" Cassandra responded, "if that's all, I think I should be off to bed, my feet are killing me!" And with that she left.

"I'm gonna go shower and get dressed in the main bathroom, you get ready in your room" Max said while running upstairs.

Ebony ran up shortly after.

Not feeling like standing up, she sat there, the only effort she made was to put her shower cap on, the last thing she needed was for her hair to get wet. The water trickled down her body, like hot rain, turning it to cold just to wake herself up properly, she realised that she'd probably get sick but who cares, it felt nice. Lathering up on her vanilla body wash she made sure she got into every single crevice, god knows how long she had gone without showering or shaving.

Once Max had heard the shower stop running he yelled for her to dress appropriately, much to her dismay she did as she was told, but it didn't mean she couldn't dress up comfortably. Applying her cocoa butter lotion all over her body she put on her black mom jeans and one of Max's grey hoodies, she paired them with some black low top air forces.

Max had already gotten ready and was eating some pancakes, he had laid her plate out for her, there was a chocolate chip pancake shaped as a smiley face with chocolate chips and whipped cream.

Eating in silence would be awkward for some but not for Max and Ebony, it was common for them to have these spots of silence, it was just them thinking and being in the moment I guess. All that could be heard was the scraping of knives and forks on plates.

Finishing their breakfast, they put their dishes in the dishwasher and made their way to his car.

"Right, let's go buy some snacks, we may as well make the most of our last few days until my mom finds us a home school teacher" he said while driving out of the little driveway.

Driving to the closest shop, they got all of the junk in sight, I'm talking: Oreos, Ben and Jerry's, strawberry laces, profiteroles, yum yums, EVERYTHING.

Ebony was walking around until Max picked her up and put her on his back, "well that was unexpected" Ebony giggled.

"What can I say, I like having you close to me"

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