C H A P T E R 2

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From the few lessons that Ebony had been in with Max she noticed that: he shook his leg... constantly, he's good at multitasking and focusing on the problem at hand, nice handwriting, he liked starting trouble but he did get his work done, she found that he was actually very smart when he wanted to be, they also just so happened to have all of the same classes too. Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry and Psychology were now spent sitting next to Max.

Ebony found herself growing quite fond of him.

As they were sitting in the library doing some extra work seeing as though Max had missed a lot of past work, he needed to catch up on the last few weeks.

Seeing as Ebony and Max had become 'best friends' he volunteered Ebony to help him catch up on all of their teachers, this had come as a shock to all of the teachers because they knew Ebony to be the quiet loner girl at the back of the classroom, who they didn't try to pick on to answer a question.

It was silent for a few moments until Ebony felt something stabbing her on the side of her belly.


She slowly turned her head to see Max grinning like an idiot, she also found out that he was an extremely touchy person, part of Ebony didn't mind that because she wasn't used to someone giving her this much attention.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Well seeing as you asked out of the blue, you can, I've been meaning to ask how to word this paragraph" he asked while pointing to a question.

She moved a bit closer to him... just so she can read the question more clearly in order to help him, "well it's a simple BLT paragraph" she said,

He looked at her with squinted eyes, weirdo she thought, "is there a problem?" She asked feeling slightly uncomfortable under his tantalising gaze.

"I swear 'BLT' is a sandwich, as in Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato. How am I supposed to use that in a paragraph?" He looked at her like she was crazy for a second but then changed it to a more opening look.

"Consider it a paragraph sandwich... because, leading to and therefore" she explained.

"Oh why didn't you just say" he says with a nudge to her shoulder.

"I thought you knew it seeing as you're so smart" she said while moving back to her original seat.

"Was that a compliment?!" He said with a look of disbelief, and a hand to his chest; she punches him in the shoulder and he looked kinda hurt, "god you have a mean right hook" he said while rubbing his shoulder.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked while putting her arms up in a fighting position.

"Whoa calm down there Muhammad Ali, I was just thinking that you might not be that strong because you're so small" he said while grabbing her wrists lightly.

"Well I pack a good punch so don't get on my bad side" she said jokingly but he knew she was serious.

He let go of her wrists but instead, chose to hold onto her hands; Ebony saw this as a chance to pluck up the courage to ask him the question she'd been dying to ask.

"Why me?" She asked.

He was partly shocked by her question but if it were him, he'd want to know too, "Well why not you, you seem like a really reliable, funny, trustworthy and amazing person to be around and to be friends with, and there's just something about you" he said honestly.

A thick layer of awkwardness surrounded them, he didn't want to come across as weird but there was no other way he could have worded it, without sounding well, quite cringe, but he meant what he said, she wasn't like the girls he had met before, she was real, and more honest than he would have wanted.

He couldn't tell if she was weirded out by him, her hard exterior made him want to break it down and get to know the real her, like what he favourite colour was, her most embarrassing secret, all of that, he just hoped that she would accept him and actually try to be his friend like she said.

"Is that so" she said in an unconvincing tone, but changes the subject quickly, "Do you wanna go to my favourite spot?" She asked while packing up her stuff and his in both of their bags.

"Yeah, you can show me around" he said while standing up and stretching.

After they finish packing the rest of their things, they start walking to the front doors of the college together.

"So do you have a car?" He asked, curious as to what car she would drive, an automatic, a manual?

"I mean yeah but its not the car i would have chosen myse... wait, is that your car?" She asked while going over and ogling over his car.

Ebony's jaw basically hit the floor, Max laughed deeply while looking at her shocked expression "what you never seen a car before" he said, getting the keys from his coat pocket.

"No I've just never seen one in matte before, it's so... matte" she said running her hand over the cars hood.

"Thanks, this baby has a V8 engine, with custom made all black interior, one of a kind" he said while patting the hood of his Chevrolet Camaro HSV; she looked genuinely shocked.

What if she thinks I'm just some stuck up rich guy he thought.

"This is my dream car, I may faint" she said dramatically with a hand to her forehead, he opened the door for her and then went to his side of the car; "what a gentleman" she says as he gets into the car, now it was his turn to be shocked.

"It's basic manners, I swear British dudes do that", it was more of a question than a statement, Max's father always taught him that Morte men get their strength from their women, so they should treat them like queens. Plus, if his mother or his father saw him not opening the door for a girl they would unleash a whole lot of whooping, they were extremely strict when it came to mannerisms.

"Maybe in movies" she said while buckling herself in.

"So where are we heading" he asked while backing out of the college's car park.

"Take a right and then a left and then go straight down the road until you see a cow poster" a cow poster he thought.

"So Ebony, this is our first day as best friends, congratulations, you now have a friend for life and a permanent joke machine" she moves in her seat to get a better look at Max, he sees her from the corner of his eye, her head was slightly tilted and her hair was all on the left side.

"Dude quit it, you're basically eye raping me so you may as well admit it... you think I'm hot" he said while turning to face her, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets, she punches him in the arm again, that particular punch made his arm go dead for a few minutes, he would never admit that to her though.

What he said was partly true, he was a very good looking guy, with his brown hair that was gelled back with so much precision, those green eyes that looked like they had gold flecks in them when they were caught in the light, a strong jawline with slight stubble, and his body... he was fit, muscles that could be seen in his dark blue short sleeved shirt, muscly legs but not too muscly, he was, overall, an attractive guy.

"I will admit it, you are pretty fit, but don't get a big head about it, we're not 'besties' yet" she said while sitting up in her seat and looking straight ahead.

The besties comment didn't catch Max off guard but he instead saw it as a challenge, and he loved a challenge.

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