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As much as the both of them wanted to carry on Max needed confirmation, "so does this mean you and me... are together?" He asked, hoping she wouldn't say no.

She looked down and nodded her head, "can you promise me something if I say yes?"

"Of course, anything"

"Promise me you won't hurt me, mentally and physically, I've seen how people get when they're heartbroken and I really don't want to experience that, I know it's inevitable but I don't want it to be you that does it..." Ebony said, her eyes holding every ounce of emotion.

"'I promise I won't, I'll protect you from everything even if it is from myself... you know what this means though right? You're kinda involved in the mafia, are you really ready for that?", he knew that it was a lot to handle, along with all her added stress.

Looking at him, she started to realise what might happen if they were together, there was always going to be risk when she was with him, she'd be seen as a target, she'd already become his weakness, but god knows he'd do anything to protect her, by any means necessary.

"I'm willing to take that risk, if you are"

Right there, sitting in front of him was his future, he could see it already. That sentence was all he needed to kiss her again, and this time there was no hesitation or confusion between the both of them.

They stopped kissing after the door barged open, Enzo and Alex were being nosey, as per usual, but Max wouldn't expect anything different from them.

"We were uh just inspecting your door, the mahogany on this is in great shape" Enzo said while tracing the outline of my Max's name on the door.

"Okay... spill what did you hear?" Ebony jokingly yelled from beside Max.


"Do you want to be any louder, I think the whole of England heard you, and yeah... she's my girl now, but don't tell anyone, especially not mom and dad, I need to tell them myself..." He said while picking Ebony up and putting her on his back.

"Bro we support you guys, and we actually like Ebony... unlike that bitch you were fucking" Alex said while rolling his eyes, everyone knew he wasn't wrong, Ebony was better by so much more.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it" Ebony said from behind Max.

"Me and Ebony are gonna go downstairs for some ice cream and then watch a movie, wanna join?", without Ebony noticing, Max mouthed 'say no', as much as he didn't want to admit it, Max was desperate to spend time with Ebony without worrying about the boys being uncomfortable.

"Ohhhh, nah me and Enzo are just gonna chill in the game room, have fun!"

Taking a little longer to get to the kitchen, Max thought about how Ebony was going to be affected by the mafia, what would his parents think? Would they accept her?

"Hey I can see what you're doing, stop it you're making me worry, let's just live now, it's just us, right now, we're okay, we're safe, nothing can hurt us" Ebony said while leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Just us" He repeated back to her.

Arriving in the kitchen he sat her down on the counter instead of the stool so it'd be easier for her.

"So what flavour of ice cream would you like, we have chocolate, mint chocolate chip, vanilla, strawberry, strawberry cheesecake, cookie dough and brownie" her eyes got bigger at the sound of cookie dough.

"Cookie dough!" She said while spinning and facing him.

Putting the scoops of ice cream in a bowl, with chocolate syrup, he slid the bowl over to Ebony and sat down next to her with his bowl of chocolate ice cream and a waffle.

"Ew how can you eat chocolate ice cream like that, cookie dough is the best, no doubt" she said with a mouthful of ice cream.

"What can I say, I just love chocolate" He said while scooping a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, they both understood what he really meant, but Ebony still went back into her shy persona.

"So girlfriend, we need to sort something out before we continue this little alliance we have... the parents".

She stopped eating her ice cream fast and slowed down, "well we could tell them now... I mean they're your parents".

"Yeah we can tell them now. Together? Or should we tell them when they aren't together?"

"Umm I think together because I have a feeling your mum will back us up, your dad... I'm not sure"

"We can do this, so wheelchair or back?"

"Wheelchair but can I at least finish my ice cream before we do it, I'm scared"

"There's nothing to worry about Ebony, remember it's just us, in our own little world, it'll be okay, even if they say we can't be together, we'll figure something out"

She finished the remainder of her ice cream and plopped down into her wheelchair.

This is it.

Walking towards his parents' study, he slowly knocked on the door, hearing his mum say come in, he began wheeling Ebony next to the chair in front of the desk. Sitting down next to her and holding her hand, they could feel each other sweating up a storm.

"Mom, dad we have something to tell you" Max started.

Mrs Morte looked down at their joined hands and smiled, it was clear what they were going to tell her but she interrupted before they could.

"Oh thank goodness, I'm so happy for the both of you, that girl who had been coming in and out of the house was starting to get on my nerves, the spoilt little brat."

"Dad?" Max asked knowing whatever he said determined whether or not Ebony and Max stayed together or not.

"Before you say anything Mr Morte, I just wanted to say that although I'm not in the mafia or anything like that, I kept my word about not saying anything, if anything I've proved that I'm trustworthy, I really like your son... he helps me be myself and have fun, so I would really appreciate it if you could accept us, please" Ebony said speaking up, she sat up straighter, not backing down.

"Son, Ebony... as much as you've messed up in the world of finding love, you haven't messed up here... Ebony is clearly a very strong and smart girl, I'm glad you've found each other, in terms of mafia, well we'll just have to train you and initiate you once you're healed" Mr Morte said.

"Ebony may I speak with you privately?" Mr Morte asked.

"Yes, of course" Ebony said from beside Max.

Mr and Mrs Morte waited for Max to go outside, he didn't want to leave her alone but he knew she'd tell him once they were done.

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