C H A P T E R 6

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"Baby steps?" Ebony said, getting up and holding her hand out for him to shake.

He took her small hand in his rather big one, "baby steps... where do you want to start?".

She stopped for a moment, she wanted to let him in and see where 'going with the flow' would take them, "I have an almost perfect life" she started "my mum and dad are divorced, I don't have any friends, I don't like the way I look, I'm not the confident black girl that I should be, I'm ug-", before she could finish her sentence he stood up and towered over her, he looked down at this gorgeous girl and wondered how she could ever see herself as ugly, he never understood mental health but he understood some because of the psychology course he was taking.

"Ebony, I know me saying your beautiful is nice and all but it doesn't really mean anything if you don't believe it and don't accept it, do you get what I'm trying to say?" He said while sitting the both of them down in the chair he was in before, with her on his lap. Ebony wanted to believe that she was pretty but it was like there was a voice in her head that was alway trying to oppose her and put her down.

"I just don't see what you see, it's all about perspective", she had a point, he didn't see her the way she saw herself.

"You're right, maybe you can help me understand" he said while pulling the blanket over the both of them.

"I'm a lot to handle, and I say that wholeheartedly, like I know I am, but I see potential in you" she said while looking over his face, she could see the shadow of a beard coming through and it looked kinda good on him but she'd never tell him that.

"Are you done checking me out? I can handle anything, I got you in the bag" he said jokingly.

After spending time with Ebony he realised that she had her hard exterior because she didn't want to get hurt, which was understandable. actually reallyu

"It's okay, we need to stop apologising so much" she said while giggling, I could tell it was a real, genuine smile because it was reaching her eyes. Brown, captivating eyes.

"C'mon, let's go sit together on the big bean bag and watch Netflix" I said while trying to get her up, "but Max I'll crush you" this girl, I know what I'm about to do will probably cause something bad but I need her to know.

"Sorry" I whispered on my way down to get her. A few seconds after I said that I had one of my arms underneath her legs and one supporting her back, bridal style.

"See as light as a feather" he said slightly swinging her from side to side.

The real reason Ebony was self conscious about her weight was because she was always the bigger girl, her school peers kept small and skinny but her thighs got thicker, her ass definitely got bigger, her hips widened, which got her the name 'lard-ass'. It could have stopped there but because she was in a predominately white school, the boys would pretend to hate her but as soon as they were alone with her they'd try it on and claim to love her "chocolate skin".

"You're not going to put me down are you" she said as her breathing slowed down, he looked at her with a wide smile, while shaking his head. After a couple more seconds she got herself comfortable, which led him to sit down with her on his lap, she put her head in the crook of his neck and kept it there until he spoke.

"Are you okay Ebony?" He asked feeing somewhat bad for doing the one thing he knew she hated, he felt her nod.


"Are you sure I'm not crushing you, I know I'm heav-" he flicked her knee to stop her from finishing her

They decided to set up a little movie theatre, popcorn and all.

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