Chapter 2

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I'm so sorry this came in three weeks!! My laptop crashed and I only had it fixed now and thank the Lord that my files weren't deleted!

Vote and comment :) Enjoy!


“Are you really always like this or is this like an act?” Harry said, sidling next to her on the plane before anyone got a say otherwise.

Eliza gave a sound of impatience and tried not rolling her eyes. She didn’t want to make friends with anyone and she wasn’t planning on getting to know them personally. She was fine with hacked data, thanks.

“Is what an act?” she said, smiling her fake smile yet again. She was starting to get a proper feel of the accent now and didn’t even need to try so much this time. Eliza just wanted to make Harry feel like he offended her by implying that she normally doesn’t act this way when she really did.

“This whole…uptight corporate woman look going on.” He gestured to the whole of her.

“So you’re saying I’m uptight?”

“A little bit, yes.”

“Good. Now you know that you won’t have a decent conversation with me, so you can change your seat now and possibly give it to someone who will most likely be asleep for most of the plane ride.”

“Do you genuinely not like company when your job title says otherwise?” Harry said, rather smartly too, in Eliza’s opinion. Oh right, she was public relations expert. “Not much of an expert in having people like you, are you?”

That made Eliza smile. “Not bad, Curly. Not bad at all.”

“I do the best I can,” he smiled cheekily as he put his hands behind his back, looking very self-satisfied.

“Now go away and let someone who will sleep through the ride sit next to me. From what I heard, you snore very loudly.”

“No I don’t. How would you know?”

She smiled just as self-satisfied as he did a few seconds ago. “I’m part of management. Don’t expect me not to know things about you.”

He raised an eyebrow, but ended up taking the seat across the aisle, leaving one of the stylists to sit next to her instead. Well, that was a vastly large improvement, Eliza thought approvingly.

And then she started talking even more loudly than Harry had, and Eliza couldn’t help but think how loud these people were. She didn’t fully realize what she had gotten into.


Watch out for those boys. You never know who’s around to make sure they won’t be anymore.

Those two sentences were printed on black paper with silver ink. It had no return address or signature. Eliza stared at it for two minutes, thinking about whether this was a threat or a warning. Management had sent it to her, since Simon had evidently told them to leave all the important security measures in her hands. The letter had apparently been received a week ago, and she only just received the hard copy now.

They had been travelling for about two weeks now, and Eliza thought she was going crazy. Their fans seemed to think they were so adorable and charming and perfect. Eliza just thought that they were unnecessarily loud and acted like normal teenage boys, except had bigger egos since girls followed them around, had a load of cash and traveled around the world doing concerts.

Eliza couldn’t even fathom the reasons as to why anyone would bother trying to get rid of them, except for the reason that they were just annoyingly overrated.

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