One - Little Girl

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Little girl...

Why do you stand there,

Tears glistening?

Perhaps you've glimpsed

How cruel life can be.

They thought you strong...

They thought you able.

But they never thought

That you could cry.

They've heard you sing,

And scream, and laugh...

Yet no living ears

Have heard your sobs.

They saw you

When you stuck your hands 

In that cookie jar,

Craving for forbidden food.

They saw you

Pulling out those pranks.

But they never saw you,

Like I do:

An apparition changing hue.

They were too busy

Fighting, talking, walking on...

Working with matters of consequence

Because they're all grown up.

And it's too late

For them to see...

Or understand.

Read your heart they never will.

So smile...

My bonny little girl.

Your time will come.

You will soon be

Advanced, in years... in knowledge,

Possessed with a weathered wisdom.

Hold my hand now,

One last time.

As I turn away from you,

From the aged, tarnished mirror...

And say goodbye.

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