A Taste of India

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"How are you feeling, Mr. Liamson," asked Rodrick with a sarcastic smirk. Trevor was distracted. He had been in this state since his six o'clock appointment that afternoon. "Stop with all the wisecracks, Rod; can you be serious for once?" Rodrick leaned back in his seat and slapped his hand on his heart as if clutching his invisible pearls, "Well excuuuuusseee me for trying to lighten the mood." At Trevor's look of reproach, Rodrick sobered. "Alright, alright. I'll quit. I understand just how serious this all is to you. Also, to be honest, it's a little more than off-putting to see the ever-so-polished Trevoooorrr Liamson in a sticky situation; especially one of his own creation. You have to admit, this is one for the books." Trevor mulled-over Rodrick's words; he came to the conclusion that he was right. Ever since he could remember, he'd been put together. At a very young age, he took to handling every aspect of his life with the utmost perfectionism and organization. He needed everything to be controlled. His psychiatrist claimed that it had something to do with instability during his childhood years, but all Trevor knew is that he had no room in his life for shenanigans of any kind. Which was strange, considering his friendship with Rod and the predicament he'd gotten himself into with Stacy and now Audrianna. 

"I know; of all the shit I could get myself into, this has to take the cake. What was I thinking?" 

"It seemed like you were thinking that you wanted to have your cake and eat it too," said Rodrick as he pursed his lips and rolled his eyes. 

Despite the jokes and the liking that he'd taken to Stacy, he was none-too-fond of Trevor's concurrent trysts with his old flame and her girlfriend. He wanted to chastise all parties involved for all the lying and conniving going on. In his eyes, it was a disastrous trainwreck waiting to happen; one that would undoubtedly cost Trevor the love of his life and his entire career. He was stuck between being a supportive friend and a bearer of bad news. He knew that Trevor wasn't a homewrecker; he also hadn't looked at or touched a woman other than Stacy in ten years, that was until his fitting with Audrianna earlier that evening. She had to have been something for him to have crossed that line with her. "Don't give me that look, Rod. I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted to meet with her and get some insight into the person Stacy had become in all these years but when I saw her it was like...it was, it was magnetic. I haven't been drawn to a person that hard since Stacy," Trevor leaned forward and rested his head on top of his interlaced fingers on the table, "What do I do, Rod? Please, just tell me what to do." 

"First, you can pick your head up and let this lovely lady set your food down," At that edict, Trevor straightened up and cleared his throat and whispered a quiet thank you as his plate was set down. When the waitress walked away, having divested herself of their dishes, Rodrick continued, "Second, and most importantly, you need to nip all of this in the bud; although very cute and seemingly kismet, this is not going to end the way that you think. Stacy is with someone else and she is also a subordinate and administrator of your company. I can smell the lawsuit now when all of this goes sideways; which it definitely will once Stacy finds out about your rendevous with her girlfriend," said Rodrick as he saucily speared a piece of chicken. 

Trevor wanted to kick himself; he was never one for thinking with his second head but as of late it seemed to be the only head he had. As much as he despised Rodrick at this moment, he was right. He couldn't in good conscience continue to pursue Stacy. It screamed MeToo and sexual harassment on top of her being an item with someone else; someone else whom he didn't know well and was having weird feelings for. Whether it was from the spices in his curry goat or the mess he'd gotten himself into, Trevor's heart hurt. He put down his fork and closed his eyes in the hopes that it would ease the tension he was beginning to feel in his body. He steeled himself for the indignant and over the top reaction he was surely going to get from Rodrick when he spoke again. 

"You're right Rod; what was I thinking? This isn't fair to anyone involved, on top of it being career suicide." Rodrick's eyes got wide and he dropped his own fork as he grabbed his phone and turned on his voice memos, "Can you repeat that?" 

"This isn't fair t-" 

"I'm talking about the first part." 

"You're...right," said Trevor with an eye roll and a sigh. Rodrick sported a shit-eating grin as he stopped the recording and played it back. Trevor couldn't help but laugh at his best friend's antics. "Oh-em-gee!" said Rod as he fanned himself, "That wasn't a mirage; you really said that I was right. I never thought this day would come. I would like to that my mom for raising me to be a bad bitch and my fiance for being the finest man this side of the Mississippi." 

Trevor shook his head as Rodrick wiped away his fake tears with his dinner napkin. "Are you finished?" 

"This is a once in a lifetime occurrence Trevor; when will I ever get this chance again?" 

"Never, now that I know this is how you will behave." 

"See, even more reason to bask in it," Rodrick's phone rang on cue, "Ooh, it's my baby daddy. Baby guess what..." As Rodrick filled his fiance in on his great feat, Trevor's gaze flitted to the entrance of the restaurant and all-but-gasped as the two objects of his desire walked in.


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as always, thank you for your continued support.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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