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"Hit me again, Wayne," since being fired from his job Carlos had developed a hankering for whiskey. At the time, he'd thought that was going to be the worst of it but he was sadly mistaken because a week or so later he was visited by the little tramp's brother. Not only had he beat him to a bloody pulp but he'd trashed his apartment and gotten him thrown in jail for harassment. Carlos had resigned himself to being in jail for his entire six-month sentence but three weeks later his bail had been posted, by whom he didn't know. Whoever it was had contacted him, via email, a few days ago and had told him to be here at Wayne's Tavern on 22nd street at ten o'clock. Having nothing else to do and wanting to thank the generous bastard, he'd shown up.

"Carlos Ortiz?" said a sweet voice from his left.

"That's not fair sweet thing; you know my name and I don't know yours," replied Carlos as he looked the woman up and down more than suggestively.

Tracy smirked back at the slightly intoxicated oaf of a man; this was going to be easier than she'd originally thought. When she'd found out about Stacy's little Mexican friend, she'd made it her business to learn everything about the woman. She knew everything from her place of worship to her unfortunate run-in with the jackass sitting on the bar stool in front of her. If that cha-cha queen thought she was going to swoop in and take her woman from her, she was sadly mistaken. And she was willing to do anything in her power to end their relationship, even if it meant seducing a handsy drunkard.

"Well my name is Tracy Wu and I'm here to offer you a proposition," she said rubbing her hand up his thigh.

"I'd really like to take you up on that offer sweetness but I'm here on important business," he said as he ran his hand through her hair. "Mr. Ortiz one week ago your bail was me."

Carlos stared at her incredulously. He couldn't believe that a woman this beautiful had gotten him out of the slammer, let alone was flirting with him. He'd been set up before and it felt akin to the feeling he had now. "Get your fucking hands off me bitch! Who fucking sent you!?!?" he asked belligerently. Tracy jumped back as the hulk of a man got up and stalked toward her.

"M-Mr. Ortiz, no one has sent me. I bailed you out because I need you to help me."

Carlos stopped his angry prowling and stared at the raven-haired beauty. He knew she wasn't to be trusted but she intrigued him beyond belief. "Keep talking!" he barked

"Well, I went away for three weeks on a business trip and when I came back, I discovered that my girlfriend and her mistress, Audrianna Rodriguez, had stolen over $350,000 out of my bank account."

He gritted his teeth. That carpet-munching bitch had ruined his reputation and gotten everything taken from him. Walking around in a uniform that was two sizes too small; just begging him to reach out and touch her. She knew what she was doing.

"So, what the hell does this have to do with me?"

"Well, I figured since you'd be high up on the list of enemies of this maid that you'd help me exact revenge on them both," she said trailing her index finger down his chest.

Carlos smiled sinisterly, "If I go along with this, What's in it for me? And what are we gonna do exactly? I just got of jail, I'm not trying to back."

On the inside, Tracy jumped for joy at his question. The man was obviously dumb as a box of rocks not to do any reconnaissance on her first before agreeing to such a proposition.

"Well, I'm basically paying for information on this woman and to frequent a few of the places where she's been known to hang out. I'm willing to pay you $10,000 right now and $25,000 when we're all done."

Carlos struggled to keep his eyes from bugging out of his head. He had never seen that amount of money together at one time. Although he was very dubious of this woman's intentions and her story, for that matter, he couldn't turn down what she was proposing if he wanted to. But in an effort not to seem desperate he replied saucily, "Throw in a kiss from you sweet thing, and we have a deal."

"Done deal." she said pulling out the sequentially stacked c-notes. She'd had it in her mind that she'd have to sleep with the man and finding out that all he wanted was a measly kiss, she was ecstatic.

After slipping the money into the back pocket of his jeans, Carlos reached out and wrapped his arm firmly around Tracy's small frame. Taking a second to look into her eyes, he marveled at how fucking pretty she was. He pushed her hair out of her face before latching onto her mouth. And oh, what a mouth it was...Her mouth was soft and pliant and she melted against him like butter on a hot skillet.

Tracy had meant for the kiss to be short and dispassionate, but when the man kissed her all thoughts of stopping went out the window. She had never been kissed with such strength and confidence. His hands gripped her to the point of bruising and his assault was rough just the way she'd always wanted to be kissed, to be dominated. The kiss through her so much so that she momentarily dazed when she was finally released from his grip.

"Ummm so...I'll e-mail you with the rest of the details. Good day, Mr. Ortiz." she said as she scurried away.

"Yeah, you do that sweetness."

A/N: Well that was odd...wonder what they're up to LOL


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