A Blast From the Past

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Two Months Later...

"You better watch your back, Ms. Stacy, I take her from you if you're not careful," said Natasha Ivanko, Stacy's beloved overpaid live-in maid. She was a Russian transplant to the tune of about twenty years or so. She was average height and build with honey blonde hair. The woman was pushing upwards of fifty-five but you would never know. She had the body of a woman half her age and she was very aware of that fact.

"What utterly wonderful thing has she done now, Ms. Natasha?"

"When I come in last night, she had the house clean. She even ask if I need anything. I tell her thank you, but that's my job." said the older lady with a laugh.

"Stay away from my woman Ms. Natasha. You hear me?" she said as she screwed the top of her coffee cup on tightly and picked up the morning paper.

"I make no promises," she said as she pressed a banana into her palm.


"Leanora, I need those Ellison reports by ten o'clock...cancel that meeting with Lathan..."


"...Move my five o'clock to six and set up a meeting with security, I need to know if there are any developments into that...um...problem," said Stacy as she strutted into her office.


"What is it Le-..." Stacy stopped dead in her tracks, lounging on her desk was a face she hadn't seen in the last ten years.

"Hello, Stacy."

It had been a decade, but his voice still managed to make her weak. Trevor Liamson was the first and only man that she had ever been attracted to. Stacy met Trevor during their first year at Harvard business school and they'd hit it off famously. Soon they were best friends; they called each other at all times of the night and were each others rock when things fell apart. Until one night, during the finals week of second semester, Trevor kissed Stacy. They had been drinking wine and watching their favorite movie, Dirty Dancing. Stacy could still feel the toned thickness of his biceps beneath his Led Zeppelin t-shirt and she could still taste him on her tongue. A girl never forgets her first make out session.

After that the relationship became strange and they slowly drifted apart. It was like he had literally fallen off the face of the earth, as far as her world was concerned at least. She always wondered if they'd ever meet up again and get to some semblance of closure, but she never expected it to be so late in life and especially not where she worked. The only thing that had really changed in ten years was the confidence in his posture. He sat with an air of suffocation that was breathtaking. Standing at just over six feet, he had broad shoulders and she could tell he had a hard body. His presence filled the breath of her office to near suffocating. The cocky grin on his ruggedly handsome face brought Stacy's gaze up from his torso and slapped head on into the icy grey of his eyes. She also took the time to take in the soft looking coif of his auburn hair.

"A Mr. Liamson is here to see you ma'am..." said Leanora indignantly.

"Gee, thanks." she said dryly as she ushered the young woman out the door and turned back to her desk.

"Trevor Dillon Liamson...to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Well, Ms. Stacy Angelica Monroe, I am here to personally inform you that I am the new CEO of this firm."

"I appreciate the heads up but I'm a professional, I would have lived with finding out with the rest of the company." she said as she sashayed across the room, where she deposited her coffee and her briefcase before coming to stand in front of him.

"I know that Stace, we both know the real reason that I wanted to see you..."

The look of unabashed flirtation was unmistakable on his handsome face and Stacy found herself being drawn in by his eyes.

"I miss you, Angie. I've thought of nothing but this moment for the last ten years and let me tell you, baby, you've definitely gotten better with time."

The next look zoomed past flirtation and cannonballed right into lust as his eyes took a salacious perusal of her assets. Heat pooled in the pit of Stacy's stomach.

"Trevor that was over ten years ago," she said as her face flushed, "We were only kids then. I've grown up and I've moved on. I'm seeing someone. Furthermore, I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me baby."

With that, she made to move past him but his arm darted out and wrapped around her middle, bringing her up short. The sexual tension in the room went from zero to sixty in a matter of seconds as Trevor's strong hand gripped her waist. The only thought in her head was to step back, but her body betrayed her. She hated herself for the way her traitorous body leaned into his touch. In the next instant, Trevor had spun her into him, pressing the length of his body into her. Stacy gasped as the heaviness of his penis pressed into her stomach. His hands smoothed down her back and wrapped around her bottom.

"Tre-Trevor...this isn't a good idea. I don't think we should be doing this," said Stacy as he licked and suckled just behind her ear.

"Tell me you don't want me, and I'll stop right now..."

"Trevor, please..." she was caught off guard as his delicious mouth latched onto hers. Heat slammed into her, and it felt as if the world tilted on its axis. Just as Trevor lifted Stacy up and wrapped her legs around his waist, Leanora walked in.

"Oh God!!! I'm so sorry!!!" she said as she made a hasty retreat. Stacy pushed him away. "This is a place of business and I have a level of professionalism to uphold," She said as she righted her clothes. Trevor smiled wryly, "Just as fucking sweet as I remember. I've been dreaming about that soft juicy mouth for the last 10 years Angi; how it would look stuffed full of my cock, how fucking soft those plump lips would feel stretched around my girth, about how that innocent little mouth would scream out to me to make you cum over and over again on my dick...," Stacy squirmed; she could already feel the stickiness from her sex on her thighs as she watched Trevor's thick cock grow in his pants. He smiled, "Still just as responsive too; I bet you're sloppy wet just like you were that night." Stacey flushed as she remembered Trevor's thick fingers pumping in and out of her tight channel all those years ago.

Snapping herself out of her reverie and straightening her blazer, Stacey retreated behind her desk, "I appreciate the heads up about the change of ownership Mr. Liamson but I have work to get back to."

"No problem bab-I mean Ms. Monroe," said Trevor as he repositioned himself in his pants, all the while his eyes never leaving Stacy.

"And...um...there will be no more of this fraternizing Mr. Liamson. I am in a committed relationship."

"Mmmm...is it this hot Latin mamacita right here?" he asked lifting a picture frame from her desk and studying it.

"Not that it's any of your business but yes, she is my girlfriend," she answered snatching her photograph out of his hand.

"Damn that's hot. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall in your bedroom..."

Stacy's core clenched as she pictured just that, Trevor reclined on her bed, his thick member grasped firmly in his hand as he watched Audrey tongue-fuck her mercilessly. Stacy cleared her throat, "Will that be all Mr. Liamson?"

"Ummm sure..." he said snapping out of whatever saucy fantasy that was playing through his head, "Oh and I need your reports by 4; I have a meeting with some investors and they'd like to see up to date operations data."

"All done sir," said Stacy reaching into her desk and retrieving the documents, "Make sure to lead off with the projections because the company's numbers haven't been that stellar as of late."

"Sir...I like the way that sounds flowing from your lips..." he said looking at her heatedly. Stacy wondered how he could switch so seamlessly between business and bedroom talk without missing a beat.

"Mr. Liams-"

"I know, I know...professionalism...committed relationship...I'll keep what you said about leading with the projections. Oh and uh...I've really missed you Stacy." he said before he pivoted and left the room.

A/N: I've decided to take this book in a totally different direction...hope you enjoy!

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