Who Would Have Thought?

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Beep! Beep! Beep! blared Stacy Monroe's digital alarm clock. Stacy who had just gotten in from the new nightclub downtown called Blaze, grabbed the shrieking contraption and hurled it across the room. She then rolled over and resumed her rudely interrupted slumber. About an hour and a half later, she woke with a start and a gasp. "Fuck, Fuck, Fucking A!" she exclaimed as she jumped from her bed. Today was the day of her niece Elizabeth's piano recital. Upon realizing that if she did not leave immediately she was going to be horribly late, she picked up the shimmery silver top, from the night before, slid it on coupled with an above the knee black pencil skirt and her favorite silver five inch heels. She then grabbed her purse and all but ran from her apartment to her car. Once inside her vehicle, Stacy popped a mint, peeled off last night's false eyelashes and applied a generous amount of her favorite MAC lipgloss. With one last glance in her rearview mirror, Stacy pulled out of her parking space and barrelled down the Boulevard.
Thanking God that she did not encounter any delays or traffic, Stacy pulled into the almost empty parking lot of Elizabeth's school. Confused as to why the usually packed lot was deserted, Stacy walked up to what looked like a janitor and asked what time the piano recital started. The old man, who could not have been under the age of fifty chuckled merrily, "The recital isn't until next weekend young lady."
With a thank you and an overly terse smile Stacy walked back to her car. When she slid onto the supple caramel Italian leather interior of her car, she just sat there staring out the window. After sitting in the parking lot for a little over five minutes, Stacy started the car. "I need a drink." She said as she pulled away.
Twenty minutes later, she arrived at the Four Seasons, the only place in town that served an amazing mimosa. Stepping out of the car, Stacy encountered the most eager fresh-faced valet she had ever seen. "You scratch my car, I scratch your eyes out." said Stacy before she dropped her keys into his palm and sashayed away. She had learned early on in her career that the only way to be was tough. She could not blame anyone but herself if anything was amiss. This attitude had made her the youngest COO of a Fortune 500 marketing firm. She just wish she could be as assertive in her everyday life. Anyone who knew her well knew that she was an inherently timid person. A late bloomer in life and in love, Stacy was horribly inept and preferred to be alone. Whether from fear or genuine reclusivity, no one was sure.
Before she could say her name to the hostess, she was escorted to a corner table for two, ahead of all the other patrons. "Would you like the usual madam?" Charles, Stacy's favorite server, inquired. "No egg whites or turkey bacon for me today Charlie. I need a normal breakfast; i'll have two scrambled eggs, bacon, two pancakes, my favorite fruit dish and tell Rosa that she'll need to make a pitcher of Mimosas." Stacy replied with a laugh.
"As you wish, Ms. Monroe."
"How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Stacy." she said to Charles' retreating form.
"As you wish, Ms. Stacy." he replied with a smirk.
Just as Stacy pulled out her Blackberry to check the time, the device burst into her favorite acoustic rendition of Christina Perri's A Thousand Years.
"Yes dear." she answered cheerily.
"Hey babe, what's up?" asked Nancy Monroe-Kash, Stacy's twin sister.
"Nothing much, I'm at the greatest restaurant on this planet known as Earth." replied Stacy.
Nancy laughed, "You're the only person I know that goes all the way across town to eat at a different hotel than the one you live in."
"What's wrong with that? This the only place in town that serves a mean mimosa."
"You're also the only person I know that drinks in the morning."
Stacy sighed, "Well while this conversation has gotten off to a fantastic start, does it have a main idea dearest little sister of mine?"
"First of all must you always throw that measly minute and thirty seconds in my face? and secondly, Margaret called and said you were up at Lizzie's school."
Stacy cursed the decrepit old woman under her breath. It seemed as though the older she got, the nosier she became.
"What kind of sister would I be, if I didn't? and Yeah I was there, I thought that her recital was today."
Nancy burst into a fit of giggles, "This is why I told yo' behind to mark your calendar."
"What's up with you and 'I-told-ya-so'? It seems like you two have a special connection or something. It was an honest mistake...geez...you know what? Nan I have to go." she said as her sister continued to laugh maniacally.
"Aww, don't be a spoil sport and hang up on me. You have to admit that it's kinda funny." reasoned Nancy.
"Whatever, Nan."
"Ugh...Well I see someone woke up on the wrong side of her penthouse. I'll call back once this grumpiness has worn off."
"You do that." Stacy retorted.
"Ouch. Bye Scrooge. Bah-Humbug." said Nancy as she disconnected.
Stacy sighed, she did not intend to be so short with her sister. Just as she was about to call her back she heard shouting and someone crying. She got up and exited the restaurant to see what the fuss was about.
"He tried to rape me!" screamed a petite hispanic woman.
"Hey Johnny, you've known me for years, I would never do that," said a stocky hispanic man to a man who seemed to be their boss, "If anything, she assaulted me!" he said gesturing to the brown liquid on his clothes and rubbing the growing egg on his forehead.
"Oh please Miss Rodriguez, no one attempted to rape you." Johnny replied with obvious disdain.
"Wow, I cannot believe this. How can you not believe me!? You know what, I don't need this shit; I quit!"
As the woman vacated the lobby the man smiled sinisterly and chuckled. Stacy was outraged. She stalked up to the fat hispanic man and shoved her finger into his chest. "I'm gonna do everything in my power to have you and "Johnny" fired by tomorrow morning you disgusting asshole. You and that prick will never work in this town again after I get through with the both of you." She did a little smirking of her own as the smile fell from his face. Then out the door she went in search of the young maid.
****That's a pic of Stacy and Nancy on the side ;)

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