Changed Plans

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Audrianna was stressed. She'd been in the large back room of Señora Alvárez's boutique rearranging all of the buttons, swatches, designs, dyes and such for the last three hours. Whoever had been Sñra. Alvárez's designer before her had been really messy and disorganized to say the least. Audrey was hoping that she'd have everything sorted out before her first emergency fitting at four o'clock with a wealthy client. It was a meeting with a Mr. Liamson. The only Mr. Liamson that Audrianna knew that was a high roller was Stacy's old college fling, Trevor. She couldn't be sure it was him but she hoped it was. She was just dying to meet the man that obviously has Stacy all in a tissy. Audrianna trusted Stacy but every time she even mentioned her new boss, she would clam up and change the subject. This led Audrey to believe that something had happened during the first meeting they had had in a decade.

If something had transpired, Audrianna couldn't very well be mad though. The way that Stacy had described Trevor had shown just how deeply she'd once cared for him and probably still did. Audrianna had decided to forgive Stacy of any transgressions that she may have had regarding Trevor. She just wished Stacy would say something soon, because Audrey could tell that the secret that she was harboring was tearing her up inside. She was too honest of a person to lie or omit the truth for too long.

When she had been told that she'd be designing a tux for Mr. Liamson, she went online to get a feel for his style. What she found didn't disappoint. He was a fan of slim Italian tuxes. They suited him well, no pun intended. They fit him like a second skin and highlighted the strength in his arms, shoulders and chest. He had a strong graceful neck that had Audrianna itching to feel. The prominence of his jaw captivated her.

It wasn't long before she had abandoned his tuxedo photos and was focused almost solely on his face and body. She'd found paparazzi photos of him on the beach. He had tanned olive skin, washboard eight-pack abs and broad shoulders. She imagined gliding her hands over his torso as she measured him. And how solid he'd feel beneath her palms. She imagined measuring his inseam and having her hands close to the thick heavy member that was clearly outlined in his wet swim trunks. It was with that thought that Audrianna closed her phone and looked around. She couldn't believe that her thoughts had gone in that direction. She had never desired a man before and the fact that she was dripping wet had her really confused. Audrianna got up, hoping that no one has walked in and saw her daydreaming, and continued to straighten up in an effort to clear her mind. Audrey thought back to the beginning of her day.

Sñra. Alvárez wasn't able to meet with her that morning. She'd had to fly out to secure her shipment of exotic Japanese silk. Something had gone wrong at the manufacturers and her order had been cancelled. Instead Audrianna was met by her manager and second in command William Branson. Branson was a tall statuesque figure with the features of a model. He couldn't be older than 35 but he carried himself with an air of sophistication that was well beyond his years. He welcomed Audrey graciously and he'd even complimented her on her outfit. He introduced her to the staff and personally walked her through the entirety of the illustrious men's department. Audrianna was awestruck; she'd never seen a more beautiful boutique in her life.

The clientele was obviously upper crust and a little bourgeois for her taste but so far they were at least cordial. The other employees, with the exception of one or two, on the other hand were underhandedly rude and obviously didn't like the fact that they would be working under someone so much younger than them. Audrianna took it in stride though. She had known that she'd have to prove herself here and she was up for the challenge.

As Audrey catalogued the last of Sñra. Alvárez's signature patterns, she thought back to the first customer she had helped that morning. He'd been an elderly man in his mid-fifties. He was in search of the perfect double-breasted suit for his daughter's wedding. He was scanning through the store's almost endless selection of sport coats becoming more and more flustered when she'd offered her assistance.

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