The Moment of Truth-ish...

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"Wow, this is amazing." said Audrey as she walked through the gleaming brass doors of Stacy's condominium. After thanking the nicely dressed doorman, Audrianna walked into the most amazing establishment she had ever seen. The venetian egg washed walls were graced with an incredibly sculpted gold swirl and all of the furniture in the room had golden hardware. The room had the most pleasant lilac and lavender scent and the young socialites spotted throughout the room screamed wealth.
"Excuse me Ms. Rodriguez, is it?" inquired a man in a fancy suit. Upon her confirmation, he began to lead her toward the lift.
"How do you know my name?" inquired Audrianna.
"I'm the concierge of this condominium, it's my job to know you and everyone else who steps foot through those doors. My name is Stanley Ravensdale by the way and if you should need anything, feel free to dial ext. 111 on any telephone in the Monroe residence and I'll be right there." he replied stopping in front of the glass gold trimmed elevator.
"Thank you...I guess," said Audrianna giggling nervously, "I'm sorry this is just a little overwhelming."
"I understand," said Stanley with a laugh, "You'll get used to it soon enough. Here's your key to Ms. Stacy's penthouse and you may head on up whenever you're ready." he said walking back to his post behind the elaborate desk situated in the middle of the vestibule.
Audrianna stared after him in astonishment. She could not believe the world that Stacy lived in. She could not help pitting her station in life against Stacy's and feeling hopelessly inadequate. How had Stacy become such a success at such a young age, while she had not? Why would she even pursue a relationship of any kind with a person who was glaring not on her level? Before the vestiges of fear and doubt could fully claim her, Audrianna entered the elevator. She was dead set on forgetting all of her insecurities and enjoying the evening with Stacy.
"Stacy..." sang Audrianna as she entered the spacious apartment. "Holy mother..." she whispered stopping dead in her tracks. Audrianna knew it would be beautiful but she was not expecting the high ceilings and elegance that welcomed her. The foyer was painted a soft cream and it featured a large ornate crystal chandelier. It then opened up into a sunken in living room with a plush cream wrap-around sectional sofa. Across from the couch, Audrianna stood stockstill taking in the sunset through the floor to ceiling windows that took over the two walls adjacent to her. Audrianna was snapped out of her stupor by a large crash from up the stairs.
"Stacy..." she said again to no reply. After climbing the staircase she then followed the sound of shuffling feet into what she could only assume was Stacy's bedroom.
"Ms. Monroe...come out, come out, wherever you are..."
All of a sudden Audrianna heard the distinct sound of retching coming from the bathroom and she rushed to see what was wrong. Upon opening the door, her eyes found Stacy on her knees, in a blood red babydoll nightie, upchucking for all she was worth.
"No...don't come in here!" exclaimed Stacy as her stomach heaved again.
"Aww...pobrecita...what happened mami?" said Audrianna as she stepped over and pulled Stacy's hair away from her face. As soon as Audrianna came over, Stacy began to cry.
"I wanted this to be special," she sobbed, "But I was so dad blasted nervous and one glass of wine turned into two and before I knew it...everything had just gone to shit Aub-Audrey." she said leaning into Audrianna. She held Stacy while she cried, hiccupped and belched. Looking down at the vomit that Stacy had gotten onto her dress and seeing Stacy's hair all mussed and her nightie twisted sideways had Audrianna wanting to laugh so hard. "I just wanted everything to be perfect; Is that too much to ask?" slurred Stacy as she looked up into Audrianna's eyes. Looking down at her forlorn face only served to make the whole ordeal that much funnier and Audrianna could not hold it in any longer. She cracked a smile, that turned into a face splitting grin which ballooned into uncontrollable laughter. Stacy looked up at her indignantly which again only exasperated the situation. Stacy then scrambled unsteadily to her feet and stumbled/ran out of the bathroom. She then turned on her heel and yelled into the bathroom, "Why are you laughing at me!?!?"
"I'm not laughing at you baby," said Audrianna sobering up almost immediately, "I'm laughing at the situation. This isn't exactly what I was expecting when I came up here tonight." she said walking towards her.
"I got throw up on you. I'm so sorry." whimpered Stacy as she took in Audrianna's form fitting black dress.
"It'll wash out, don't worry about it. Come on let's get this mess cleaned up, okay?," Audrianna took Stacy's hands into her own, "How about you go take a shower and brush your teeth and I'll be right here when you get back okay?"
"Will we still have our special night?" asked Stacy innocently.
"How about we have a romantic evening another night, okay?"
"Why?" asked Stacy self consciously. Is she backing out because she isn't attracted to me? she thought. Although the logic was unfounded, once the thought took hold, it would not let go.
Audrianna knew the moment Stacy shut down, "Hey, what's the matter mami?"
"I'm a big girl," she replied, "I can handle the truth."
"The truth, about what? ¿Qué está pasando en esa cabecita tuya?" Audrey asked.
"Just say you changed your mind dammit!"
"If I was to say that, then I'd be a liar."
"Just say you don't want me!" Stacy cried.
"Mírame, mami. I want you more than I have ever wanted anything in my life. I'd just prefer if you were coherent." said Audrianna truthfully. Looking into Audrey's eyes told Stacy all she needed to know. She read the intense yearning and another emotion that was really hard to put a finger on in her intoxicated state.
"Okay, I believe you," she said with obvious longing and disappointment, "but it doesn't mean that I necessarily agree." Seeing her face almost spurred Audrianna to change her mind, but she knew she would never forgive herself if she took advantage of her weakened state.
Stacy then shuffled into the bathroom. Audrianna watched as she pulled the ruined nightie over her head and bent to start the water, exposing the thin lace of her red thong underwear that covered her sex. Before Audrianna did something stupid, like have her way with a drunk Stacy under an overhead shower spray, she concentrated on finding something to put on, that was not a vomit stained dress.

What I Need...(FFM, Menage)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα