Victory Mimosas

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"How could he take his word over mine?" thought Audrianna Rodriguez, "He's known my family for years; he's the one who got me this damn job, now what am I going to do."

She had just graduated from UCLA with a degree in fashion design and needless to say, she was having a hard time finding work in her chosen career field. She tried working in fast food restaurants, waitressing at her brother's restaurant and Denny's, she even tried working at a ticket booth at the movies but none of them had paid enough to support her. That was until her father's good friend Johnny Castillo offered her a job at the hotel. She thought she had hit the lottery until Carlos Ortiz started coming on to her. It started with creepy looks, then it escalated to sexual innuendos and touching. Instead of reporting him, like she should have, Audrianna chose to ignore his advances and tried to stay as far away from him as possible. Noticing her strategy Carlos would show up in all of her hiding places.

Today he had found her in the break room. He grabbed her behind as she was pouring her coffee. When he attempted to push her head down and free himself from his pants, Audrianna dumped the boiling hot coffee on him and hit him over the head with the pot for good measure before fleeing from the break room screaming at the top of her lungs. Audrianna had so much adrenaline pumping through her veins that her hands would not stop shaking and her legs threatened to give way beneath her. It took her a whole minute to open the door to her 1994 Volkswagen Bug on account of her hands. Once inside her vehicle, she cranked the engine and nothing happened. "No! Please don't do this to me right now!" cried Audrianna. Just as the waterworks were about to start she heard a tap at her window. Audrianna turned her head ever so slightly and inwardly rejoiced when she did not see that big bulky jackass at her window. She rolled down the window.

"What do you want?" asked Audrianna defensively.
"I just came to see if you were okay," said the pretty brown skinned woman.
"I'm fine, just a little shaken up and angry." Audrianna replied checking the woman out slyly as she got out of the car.
"I would be too. I mean how dare that other bastard not believe you."
Audrianna had never seen a more beautiful creature in all of her life. She had long flowy, chocolate brown hair, hazel eyes and a body that rivaled Beyonce's.
"Trust me, no one is more surprised than me. I've known Johnny my whole life. He's the closest thing I had to an uncle."
"Well if it's all the same to you, I'm going to have both of those pigs fired."
"You don't have to do that."
"I want to, what happened in there was completely unacceptable," she sighed, "I really need a drink now," she said more to herself than to Audrianna, "My name is Stacy Monroe by the way."
"I'm Audrianna, Audrianna Rodriguez," she said shaking Stacy's hand.
"Well Audrianna, you want to go in there and have a drink with me?"
"No thank you. I never want to step foot in that place ever again."
"That's understandable," replied Stacy, "Would you like to go some place else then?"
"My car just kinda broke down," said Audrianna with a grimace.
"That's fine, You can get a ride with me and I'll have your car towed to my mechanic."
"Thanks for the offer but I can't afford a mechanic."
"It's free of charge and I'm not taking no for an answer."
"But..." Audrianna was stopped in her tracks by Stacy's determined expression. Realizing that there was no point in arguing with her, Audrianna accepted her offer.
While they were waiting for the valet to bring her car around, Stacy made two phone calls, one to her mechanic to make the arrangements for Audrianna's car and the second to the owner of the hotel. Audrianna marveled at the conviction and assertion with which she spoke to the hotelier. "I would hate to be the one on the end of that phone. Aye Dios." she thought.

Just as Stacy hung-up the phone, her car had arrived. It was a shiny black S-Class Mercedes. Hands down the most incredible vehicle Audrianna had ever seen. Stacy laughed at Audrianna's stunned expression.

"Get in. You wouldn't happen to know where I could get a mimosa do you, Audrey?"
"Actually I know a place that makes the best mimosas." replied Audrianna. No one had ever called her Audrey before and she found that she liked it.
"Well then, we'll just have to see about that won't we."

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