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"Mek ran away as soon as I mentioned books" New complained, pouting heavily. It made Singto laugh. He liked this adorably awkward kid a lot so he volunteered to accompany him to the book shop.

"That's what he does" New informed him, busy looking through different books. "He's kinda stupid you know. No. Actually he's really really stupid. Em... a-and mean. And crazy too"

"Hmm I noticed" Kong smiled and took the list from New. "So why... do we need books this early in and from here, not our faculty library"

"Oh no we don't. I mean you don't. But I do" New grinned enthusiastically and waved his hand. "And no we can not, we won't find any of these beauties there, they only have the same old engineering ones. Why'd I read course books for side study?"

"Sa-- ahh" Singto's mouth fell open. "You have time for side study?" Singto raised his eyebrows.

New shook his head, pouting. "I don't have anything else to do"

Singto started reading the list. He got a little confused why New needed these.

"Complex systems in sports?" Singto raised his eyebrows. "And what the hell is... c-cold bridge?!"

New giggled at that.
"Coleridge stupid. You haven't heard of Sameul Coleridge?! You're just like Mek"

"Yeah yeah, we're stupid!" Singto rolled his eyes.
"But seriously, books on sport science, astrology, and english lit?"

New nodded enthusiastically.

"For side study?" Sing asked, making New nod again.
"How much time and brain do you have?"

"Well... let me think..." New pursed his lips, thinking. "I might, have a bigger brain than yours" New informed him in a matter of fact tone. "I'm smarter"

"You...are you...trying to insult me, are you?" Sing narrowed his eyes as he strongly felt he was.

"No... it's a fact. There is some research on it. Look it up"
New nodded and blinked at him innocently.
"And I like books"
And when Singto kept staring he shrugged and added.
"I read fast"

He left Singto to wonder who still looked at the dozen names in the list, mouth wide open.
"Exactly how fast?"
New was walking, actually hopping happily to his locker when someone pulled him into a dark corner and before he knew, he was pinned against the wall.

For a second there, New didn't register what happened. But then his eyes widened when he recognised the person in front of him.

"Hi pretty boy, missed me?"
Tay smirked as he hungrily stared down the boy who was too shocked to move a muscle.

"What? Shocked much?" Tay inquired, still smirking. "Ever wonder how shocked I was to wake up all alone, in a hotel room, huh?!"

New blushed furiously at the memory but didn't answer. He looked so much like a scared little deer that made Tay want to wrap him in his arms and hide from the rest of the world. And ravish him at the aame time. How could this little boy make him feel both protective and excited at the same time?

"You're not gonna answer me now?" Tay asked, softly this time.

New's lips quivered.
"I-I..." He gulped.

"Hmm?" Tay hummed in his ear and he shivered.

What was he supposed to tell here? Wasn't it supposed to be like that? Rules of hooking up with a stranger, to fuck and foget. Mek did that. He's sure even this looney here knew that. New thought that the senior might do that too.
"I'd... don't know what you want-"

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