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The four were back at Meenu's shop. Chloe and Nadine sat with the little girl, bandaged up and eating the pizza Chloe had promised.

(Y/N) stands in front of Sam, leaning forward as she stitches up a cut on his forehead. She was stood in-between his legs, which he had wrapped around her to pull her closer.  "Will you sit still." She grumbles, his hands going to her waist.

"I can't help it. You're so beautiful." He mutters, going to kiss her but she holds his head in place, tilting it back slightly.

"Sit still." She orders and he groans, letting her finish. "Okay." (Y/N) gives him a quick kiss. Her fingers trace the star on his chest and then the set of cards on his arm. She leans down and kisses each bird on his neck individually, stretching as he grins.

He had taken his shirt off so she could see any damages caused and now casually pulled on his vest top. "Meenu's sweet." He states and she nods, wrapping a bandage around her forearm.

"Come on. Pizza awaits." She grins, taking his hand and going back out to where they sat.

"You guys took your time. Not trying to start your family early are you?" Chloe jokes, biting into her pizza. (Y/N) scoffs, taking a slice from the box. "Very funny."

They eat in peace, the only sound being the music from the radio. (Y/N) hops up next to Chloe and Sam paces in front of them, clearly deep in thought.

"I got it." He suddenly states, turning to them. "Private collector." He states, seemingly confident with his plan. "Just hear me out for a second. I... I understand taking the moral high ground and that's great."

(Y/N) holds the pizza up, pulling on the loose bit of cheese as she listens to him. "It really is and I'm completely on board for that."

"But if we could just -" Sam stops as Meenu holds out a slice of pizza for him.

"Don't ruin the moment." She orders.

Everyone chuckles and with a sigh, he takes it and then takes a bite, surprised by how good it is.


Two years later, Sam and (Y/N) had collected the money for an actual house together, along with the help of Nate which they didn't like to admit.

Sam kept up with his treasure hunting job, slowing it down as the years past until they were barely adventures. He had just finished his last job and it was late at night and he wanted nothing more than to come home and cuddle with his wife.

Opening the front door, Sam lets out a yawn, trying to close it silently behind him. "God, you took forever." Her voice makes him jump but he chuckles.

"Victor kept trying to bargain for more. Can't say I blame him."

"I need to tell you something." (Y/N) sounds serious and it worries him, so he nods and she leads him to the kitchen.

Sitting him down, she turns and paces past the counter. "Okay."

"Okay?" Sam nervously laughs at her behaviour. "Who've you killed?"

At this, she glares at him and he holds his hands up. "Right, bad joke."

"Sam." She says, stopping her pace and standing in front of him. "Remember when we went after the Tusk and you mentioned having a baby?"


She waves her hand as if to say keep going and he shrugs. "What?"

"Are you seriously not seeing where I'm going with this?" She exclaims. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she exhales deeply. "Sam... I'm pregnant."

His eyes widen, drifting from her stomach to her eyes and back again. "You're what now."


"With a child. With my child."

"No, no, I'm having an alien with the guy next door, yes of course your child!" She says and he stands, hugging her. For a while, he's silent, his face just buried in her neck yet before she can ask if he's alright, he pulls back.

"Holy goddamn shit, I'm gonna be a dad!" He shouts and she laughs.

"The best." (Y/N) says, kissing him sweetly.

"Shit, I gotta tell Nathan." Sam mutters, running to the phone and almost tripping over in excitement. "Love you!" He shouts back, bringing the phone to his ear.

"Nathan, I'm having a child! Well, no I'm not giving birth, but (Y/N)'s pregnant!" Sam exclaims, the joy lighting his face and he goes into the bedroom.

"I love you too, sweetie." She whispers, a smile on her face.

Never in a million years did she think her and Sam would be here in the happiest moment of their lives. And with her hands on her stomach, her smile grows wider. "And I love you, little Drake." 

"If we continue like this, I'd reckon we'd get married and eventually settle down. Have a kid." Sam tells (Y/N).

She scoffs and he looks down at her, her head in his lap as they watch the stars above them. "You really think that?"

"Yeah. We'd have a kid and I have a feeling it'll probably be a boy and we'll have a big house and be married."

"Married to a Drake?" (Y/N) states.

"What's so wrong with that?" He mocks offence and she laughs. "Nothing, nothing. Fine. If we're still like this in years to come, maybe all that will come true."

"And married to a Drake wouldn't be too bad?" He asks and she sighs.

"And married to a Drake wouldn't be so bad."

"You'll see. Soon enough, you'll be Mrs Drake." He nods. "Just you wait."

(Y/N) sits on the bed next to Sam, who places the phone down and wraps his arms around her, lying them both down.

"Not so bad after all, huh?" He asks and she smiles.

"Being married to you isn't so bad, I guess." She shrugs.

The two stare, captivated by each other and lean in for a longing and sweet kiss, one that expresses the love that is clear between the two.

Married to a Drake [Samuel Drake X Reader]  {The Lost Legacy}Where stories live. Discover now