Part 9

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"Just so you know, Nathan Drake is no longer in the picture. You don't have to worry about him." Chloe reassures Nadine.

"I had my concerns." She admits and (Y/N) drives them to their next location.

"Why'd you accept my offer?" Chloe asks.

"I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially with everyone wanting to see me fall."

"I hear that, but on the plus side -"

"Oh, there's a plus side?"

"Of course! When people have low expectations, it's much easier to take them by surprise." (Y/N) smirks.

"As far as we're concerned, this business is tough enough on your own, you have to take any advantage you can." Chloe adds.

"How old were you two when you started?" Nadine questions.


"Too young." (Y/N) agrees, driving them over the bridge. She takes them up the hill and Nadine points out Asav's trucks. "Watch out. The rebels might be here already."

They had made it to the bow fortress and Chloe indicates to it. "Parashurama's bow."

"So, Para-sha-ma..." Nadine tries to pronounce as (Y/N) grabs the winch and walks to the door.

"Pa-ra-shu-rama." Chloe corrects, watching (Y/N) wrapping it around the wooden beam.

"Parashurama. Right. Who was he again?"

"Okay. Sixth avatar of the god Vishnu, a fearsome warrior."

"Right. Still wrapping my head around it all." Nadine says, getting into the car and reversing back once (Y/N) moves away from the door. "See, I can drive."

"Yeah, in reverse."

"You're welcome."

(Y/N) rolls her eyes, making her way up the stairs and back into the open, overlooking the mountains in the distance.

"Now where do we go?" She asks.

"Up. We go up." Chloe states as if it's the simplest thing in the world.

Chloe is the first to begin climbing her way around and the other two follow, pressing against the cliff at the sound of insurgents. After taking them all out, they pull themselves up onto the mountain and (Y/N) nods. "All clear."

"Won't be the last of them. That was a big truck parked out front." Nadine reminds her.

"We'll keep our eyes open."

"We'd better. We'd walk right off a cliff."

(Y/N) chuckles and Chloe acts surprised: "you do have a sense of humour."

Nadine sighs, following the two up the stairs. "Would've preferred a head start over Asav."

"Not much we can do. Besides, doesn't matter who starts, only who finishes."

The three make their way around until they reach an area they can climb into, landing in the thickness of the plants. Ducking down, they realise that this is where the rest of the rebels were stationed.

"All right. Are we clear?" Chloe calls out.


"Good. Good to be clear."

She goes to an area that she had spotted previously, turning the crank to lift up the gate that separated them from the faucet. Nadine and (Y/N) proceed ahead, but the bridge collapses behind them, leaving Chloe to find another way around.

"Sorry!" (Y/N) shouts.

"I'm sure you can find your way over." Nadine adds.

"Definitely. Figured you'd want to take the easy way over."

The two of them stand in an awkward silence, waiting for Chloe to reappear.

"Doing alright?" (Y/N) decides to ask, clearing her throat and nodding slightly at Nadine.

"I'm fine. Just don't get started without me."

"Sure, wouldn't dream of it."

The two move to the edge and see Chloe dangling on the bars. "Oh, there you are." (Y/N) grins.

"Having fun?" Nadine adds, chuckling.

"Just like the monkey bars at primary school..."

"I'd say this looks safer than the playground at my school." Nadine admits, making (Y/N) glance, confused.

Chloe pulls herself up and rejoins them, making the mercenary raise her eyebrows, impressed.

"You're impressed, I'm tired. Let's get this done." Chloe breathes out, leading them up the stairs and does the exact same thing as last time, creating a bow.

"Right, turn the water on." Nadine instructs.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's to say it's not different this time?" (Y/N) questions.

"Yeah, what if it's fire or something?" Chloe goes along with it as the other woman steps back, pointing at them.

"You're messing with me."

"We're totally messing with you." Chloe smirks at (Y/N) and the two push once more, the ground rumbling.

Chloe hums, looking down at the rush of water.


"I'm a little disappointed it wasn't fire."

Nadine scoffs and motions over to the dam. "Another waterfall."

"Yeah, it's two out of three now."

"Hoysala went to an absurd amount of trouble to hide the Tusk." (Y/N) mutters.

"Well, the Tusk was the symbol of Hoysala dominance. Representing their wealth and their might." Chloe reminds her.

"A nice trophy for the Persians." Nadine says.

"My dad always thought that the Tusk was something even greater though." Chloe sighs.

"Wait, your dad was after the Tusk?"

"Oh, my dad was obsessed with it. He spent every day and night researching it. All our money wasted on fruitless expeditions."

"Heard that one before."

Chloe sighs, heavily and Nadine stares at her, seemingly intrigued by her story; "so what came of it?"

"I don't know. Well, he sent me and my mom away. He said it was no longer safe. And off to Australia we went."

Nadine chuckles slightly.

"And now here I stand... on the outskirts of Halebidu. That's... pretty funny."

A silence comes over the two and (Y/N) clears her throat. "There's only one fort left. Above the falls."

The three turn away, ready to make their way back to the jeep. Once there, Nadine asks the question as she climbs into the back: "so how did you two meet?"

(Y/N) chuckles. "Ages and ages ago." She exaggerates.

"It's more like a decade. She tried to steal from me." Chloe says.

"That - that is not true."

"You've been denying the truth for ten years, (Y/N), but we all know what happened."

"I just liked the design." (Y/N) shrugs, making Chloe laugh. She turns the car around and her friend keeps protesting whilst she begins the drive towards the trident fort.

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